This topic describes how to use a HOP function in Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.


A HOP function is used to define a hopping window, which is also known as a sliding window. Unlike tumbling windows, sliding windows can overlap with each other.

A sliding window is defined by the following parameters: slide and size. The slide parameter specifies the length of a sliding step. The size parameter specifies the size of the window.

  • If the value of slide is less than the value of size, windows overlap with each other and each element is assigned to multiple windows.
  • If the value of slide is equal to the value of size, windows are tumbling windows.
  • If the value of slide is greater than the value of size, windows are sliding windows. These windows do not overlap with each other and are separated by gaps.

In most cases, most elements are assigned to multiple windows and the windows overlap with each other. Sliding windows are used to calculate moving averages. For example, to calculate the data average in the last 5 minutes every 10 seconds, set slide to 10 seconds and set size to 5 minutes.


You can use a HOP function in a GROUP BY clause to define a sliding window.
HOP(<time-attr>, <slide-interval>,<size-interval>)
<slide-interval>: INTERVAL 'string' timeUnit
<size-interval>: INTERVAL 'string' timeUnit            

The <time-attr> parameter must be a valid time attribute field in a stream. This parameter specifies whether the time is the processing time or the event time. For more information about how to define time attributes, see Overview and Time attributes.

Window identifier functions

A window identifier function specifies the start time, end time, or time attribute of a window. The time attribute is used to aggregate lower-level windows.
Function Return value type Description
HOP_START (<time-attr>, <slide-interval>, <size-interval>) TIMESTAMP Returns the start time, including the boundary value, of a window. For example, if the time span of a window is [00:10, 00:15], 00:10 is returned.
HOP_END (<time-attr>, <slide-interval>, <size-interval>) TIMESTAMP Returns the end time, including the boundary value, of a window. For example, if the time span of a window is [00:00, 00:15], 00:15 is returned.
HOP_ROWTIME (<time-attr>, <slide-interval>, <size-interval>) TIMESTAMP (rowtime-attr) Returns the end time, excluding the boundary value, of a window. For example, if the time span of a window is (00:00, 00:15), 00:14:59.999 is returned. The return value is a rowtime attribute based on which time operations can be performed. This function can be used in only the windows that are defined based on the event time, such as cascading windows. For more information, see Cascading windows.
HOP_PROCTIME (<time-attr>, <slide-interval>, <size-interval>) TIMESTAMP (rowtime-attr) Returns the end time, excluding the boundary value, of a window. For example, if the time span of a window is (00:00, 00:15), 00:14:59.999 is returned. The return value is a processing time attribute based on which time operations can be performed. This function can be used only in the windows that are defined based on the processing time, such as cascading windows. For more information, see Cascading windows.


In the following example, a 1-minute window slides once every 30 seconds. You can use the windows to count the number of clicks per user over the last minute every 30 seconds.
  • Test data
    username (VARCHAR) click_url (VARCHAR) ts (TIMESTAMP)
    Jark 2017-10-10 10:00:00.0
    Jark 2017-10-10 10:00:10.0
    Jark 2017-10-10 10:00:49.0
    Jark 2017-10-10 10:01:05.0
    Jark 2017-10-10 10:01:58.0
    Timo 2017-10-10 10:02:10.0
  • Test statements
    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE user_clicks (
      username VARCHAR,
      click_url VARCHAR,
      eventtime VARCHAR,                            
      ts AS TO_TIMESTAMP(eventtime),
      WATERMARK FOR ts AS ts - INTERVAL '2' SECOND   -- Define a watermark for the rowtime. 
    ) WITH (
      window_start TIMESTAMP,
      window_end TIMESTAMP,
      username VARCHAR,
      clicks BIGINT
    ) WITH (
      'connector'='datahub'           -- Log Service allows you to export only VARCHAR-type DDL statements. Therefore, DataHub is used for storage. 
        COUNT (click_url)
        HOP (ts, INTERVAL '30' SECOND, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE),username;             
  • Test results
    window_start (TIMESTAMP) window_end (TIMESTAMP) username (VARCHAR) clicks (BIGINT)
    2017-10-10 09:59:30.0 2017-10-10 10:00:30.0 Jark 2
    2017-10-10 10:00:00.0 2017-10-10 10:01:00.0 Jark 3
    2017-10-10 10:00:30.0 2017-10-10 10:01:30.0 Jark 2
    2017-10-10 10:01:00.0 2017-10-10 10:02:00.0 Jark 2
    2017-10-10 10:01:30.0 2017-10-10 10:02:30.0 Jark 1
    2017-10-10 10:02:00.0 2017-10-10 10:03:00.0 Timo 1
    2017-10-10 10:02:30.0 2017-10-10 10:03:30.0 Timo 1
    If a sliding window cannot read the time at which data enters the window, the start time of the first window is moved forward. You can use the following formula to calculate the time interval by which the start time is moved forward: Time interval = Window duration - Sliding step.
    Window duration (seconds) Sliding step (seconds) Event Time Start time of the first window End time of the first window
    120 30 2019-07-31 10:00:00.0 2019-07-31 09:58:30.0 2019-07-31 10:00:30.0
    60 10 2019-07-31 10:00:00.0 2019-07-31 09:59:10.0 2019-07-31 10:00:10.0