Queries the information of a settlement account.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes GetPayerForAccount

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetPayerForAccount.

AccountId String Yes 12323344****

The ID of the account.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
PayerAccountId String 172841235500****

The ID of the settlement account.

PayerAccountName String Alice

The name of the settlement account.

RequestId String 9B34724D-54B0-4A51-B34D-4512372FE1BE

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "RequestId": "9B34724D-54B0-4A51-B34D-4512372FE1BE",
    "PayerAccountName": "Alice"

Error codes

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
404 EntityNotExists.ResourceDirectory The resource directory for the account is not enabled. We recommend that you first enable the resource directory for the account. The error message returned because the resource directory for the account is not enabled. Enable the resource directory for the account.
404 EntityNotExists.Account This resource directory account does not exist. The error message returned because the member account does not exist. Create the member account first.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.