This topic describes how to enrich log data by using mapping functions such as e_dict_map and e_search_dict_map.

Background information

The mapping functions in Log Service include common mapping functions and search mapping functions. This section describes the differences between these two types of functions.
  • Common mapping functions map data by using the full-text matching method. Common mapping functions include the e_dict_map and e_table_map functions. The input data of the e_dict_map function is in the dictionary format. The input data of the e_table_map function is in the format of a table obtained by using resource functions. For more information about the e_dict_map function, see e_dict_map%;. For more information about the e_table_map function, see e_table_map. For more information about resource functions, see Resource functions.
    For example, you can use the e_dict_map function to transform HTTP status codes in nginx logs into data of the Text type.
    HTTP status code Text
    200 Success
    300 Redirect
    400 Request error
    500 Server error
  • Search mapping functions use query strings to map fields. You can specify regular expressions or wildcard characters in query strings and use the exact match or fuzzy match method to map data. Search mapping functions include the e_search_dict_map and e_search_table_map functions. The input data of the e_search_dict_map function is in the dictionary format. The input data of the e_search_table_map function is in the format of a table obtained by using resource functions. For more information about the e_dict_map function, see e_search_dict_map. For more information about the e_table_map function, see e_search_table_map. For more information about resource functions, see Resource functions.
    For example, you can use the e_search_dict_map function to transform HTTP status codes that match the specified patterns in nginx logs into data of the Text type.
    HTTP status code Text
    2XX Success
    3XX Redirect
    4XX Request error
    5XX Server error

Use the e_dict_map function to enrich log data

This section describes how to use the e_dict_map function to enrich log data.
  • Raw log entry
    http_status:  300
    request_method:  GET
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  POST
    http_status:  400
    request_method:  GET
    http_status:  500
    request_method:  GET
  • Transformation requirements

    Transform the status codes in the http_status field into data of the Text type and add the transformed data to the status_desc field.

  • Transformation rule
    e_dict_map({"400": "Request error", "500": "Server error", "300": "Redirect", "200": "Success"}, "status", "status_desc")
    Note The preceding transformation rule includes only four HTTP status codes. For more information, see HTTP status codes. If the value of the http_status field is 401 or 404, the corresponding value must be included in the source dictionary. Otherwise, the data mapping will fail.
  • Result
    http_status:  300
    request_method:  GET
    status_desc: Redirect
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  POST
    status_desc: Success
    http_status:  400
    request_method:  GET
    status_desc: Request error
    http_status:  500
    request_method:  GET
    status_desc: Server error

Use the e_search_dict_map function to enrich log data

This section describes how to use the e_search_dict_map function to enrich log data.
  • Raw log entry
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 740
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  POST
    body_bytes_sent: 1123
    http_status:  404
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 711
    http_status:  504
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 1822
  • Transformation requirements
    Add a field named type to each log entry. The value of this field is decided based on the values of the http_status and body_bytes_sent fields in each log entry.
    • If the value of the http_status field matches the 2XX pattern and the value of the body_bytes_sent field is less than 1000 in a log entry, set the value of the type added to the log entry to Normal.
    • If the value of the http_status field matches the 2XX pattern and the value of the body_bytes_sent field is equal to or greater than 1000 in a log entry, set the value of the type field added to the log entry to Too long.
    • If the value of the http_status field in a log entry matches the 3XX pattern, set the value of the type field added to the log entry to Redirect.
    • If the value of the http_status field in a log entry matches the 4XX pattern, set the value of the type field added to the log entry to Error.
    • If the value of the http_status field in a log entry does not match either of the preceding patterns, set the value of the type field added to the log entry to Others.
  • Transformation rule
    e_search_dict_map({'http_status~="2\d+" and body_bytes_sent < 1000': "Normal", 'http_status~="2\d+" and body_bytes_sent >= 1000': "Too long", 'http_status~="3\d+"': "Redirect", 'http_status~="4\d+"': "Error",  "*": "Others"}, "http_status", "type")

    If you want to use a dictionary to enrich your log data, you can create a dictionary by using braces ({}) or based on resources allocated to the task, Object Storage Service (OSS) resources, and tables. For more information, see Build dictionaries.

  • Result
    type: Normal
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 740
    type: Too long
    http_status:  200
    request_method:  POST
    body_bytes_sent: 1123
    type: Error
    http_status:  404
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 711
    type: Others
    http_status:  504
    request_method:  GET
    body_bytes_sent: 1822