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Dynamic Content Delivery Network:What happens if I change the acceleration region for a domain name?

Last Updated:Apr 17, 2024

If you change the acceleration region for a domain name in the Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) console, the following situations may occur:

  • Increased origin traffic

    If you change the acceleration region from Chinese Mainland Only to Global, points of presence (POPs) that are deployed outside the Chinese mainland are also used for content delivery. These POPs do not have resources cached. As a result, when users request resources from POPs outside the Chinese mainland, the POPs must retrieve the requested resources from your origin server first. This increases the amount of origin traffic within a short period of time.

    In this case, you must pay close attention to the status of your origin server in case the origin server is overwhelmed by the spiky workload.

  • Reduced cache hit ratio

    An increase in origin traffic reduces the cache hit ratio within a short period of time.