You can configure the rules to show or hide a control by using the showInPanel field.


If a control is not required in some conditions, you can use the showInPanel field to specify whether the control appears in the config panel. This reduces unnecessary information. The conditions in the showInPanel field are the settings of other controls. For example, if Data Type is changed from Numeric to Time, the Data Format control appears.

Usage scenario of the showInPanel field

Rule configuration

  "conditions": [
    [ "path", "operator", "value" ],
  "logicalType": "logicalType"
conditionsThe configuration conditions in the array format. Each condition contains an array of three fields: path, operator, and value.
pathThe path of the control on which the conditions depend. Both absolute and relative paths are supported.
  • Absolute path: Starting from the top-level root node, use. to splice paths, such as chart.legend.
  • Relative path: From the current configuration, use. to locate a path, such as a .type
operatorThe operator. Valid values:
  • eq: equal to
  • $ne: not equal to
  • $gt: greater than
  • $lt: less than
  • $gte: greater than or equal to
  • $lte: less than or equal to
  • $in: in an array
  • $nin: not in an array
valueThe value of the control.
In Scenarios, if dataType is at the same level as type and the value of type equals time, the Data Format control appears. The following examples show the configuration of the conditions field:
  • Relative path
    [".type", "$eq", "time"]
  • Absolute path
    ["options.axis.xaxis.type", "$eq", "time"]
logicalTypeThe conditions field defines conditions, and the logicalType field defines the logical relationship between the conditions. Valid values: $and and $or. Default value: $and.
If the logical relationship is $and, you do not need to configure the logicalType field and configure only the conditions array. For example, if b.switch equals true and a.switch does not equal false, the required control appears. The following example shows the configuration of the showInPanel field:
[["b.switch", "$eq", true], ["a.switch", "$ne", false]]

Example 1

Example configuration format:

  chart: {
   font: {},
   margin: {}
  legend: {
   switch: {},
   color: {}

If switch equals true or font does not equal pingfang, the margin control appears in the config panel. Otherwise, the margin control does not appear.

The following examples show the configuration of the showInPanel field:

  • Absolute path
      conditions:  [[ 'legend.switch', '$eq', true ], [ 'chart.font', '$ne', 'pingfang' ]],
      logicalType: '$or'
  • Relative path
      conditions: [[ '..legend.switch', '$eq', true ], [ '.font', '$ne', 'pingfang' ]],
      logicalType: '$or'

Example 2

In this example, the textA control appears only when switchA or switchB equals true.

Configuration example of the showInPanel field
  "a": {
    "type": "suite",
    "name": "suiteA",
    "children": {
      "switchA": {
        "type": "switch",
        "name": "switchA",
        "default": true,
        "col": 8
      "textA": {
        "type": "text",
        "name": "textA",
        "default": "A",
        "col": 16,
        "showInPanel": {
          "conditions": [
          "logicalType": "$or"
  "b": {
    "type": "suite",
    "name": "suiteB",
    "children": {
      "switchB": {
        "type": "switch",
        "name": "switchB",
        "default": false,
        "col": 8
      "textB": {
        "type": "text",
        "name": "textB",
        "default": "B",
        "col": 16