Problem description

The log binlog_row_image of the Reader that connects to the MySQL database fails to be verified. The error message is as follows:

DTS-1051007 In binary log offset filename@offset(timestamp: unix_timestmap), found table db_name.table_name not full mode event.

Note: an error code reported by DTS is "DTS-1051007". The format of the error statement is DTS-1051007 In binary log offset filename @ offset(timestamp: UNIX_TIMESTAMP map),found table db_name.table_name not full mode event. Where offset filename @ offset(timestamp: UNIX_TIMESTAMP map) is the physical location and timestamp of the binlog reported, and db_name.table_name is the corresponding table name.



DTS only supports the binlog_row_image='FULL' mode when you connect to MySQL.



  1. Run the following SQL statement to set the format of the binlog_row_image:
    set global binlog_row_image='FULL';
  2. Run the following SQL statement to check the existing session and record the ID value.
    show processlist;
  3. Run the following SQL statement to terminate an existing session.
    kill [$ID];
    Note:[$ID] is the ID value obtained in the previous step.


Application scope

  • Data Transmission Service (DTS)