Queries the connectivity of Data Transmission Service (DTS) servers to the source and destination databases.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeConnectionStatus

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeConnectionStatus.

DestinationEndpointArchitecture String Yes SID

You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to Oracle. Valid values:

  • SID: non-RAC architecture
  • RAC: Real Application Cluster (RAC) architecture
Note This parameter is optional. The data type of this parameter is String.
DestinationEndpointInstanceType String Yes PolarDB_o

The instance type of the destination database. Valid values:

  • ECS: self-managed database that is hosted on Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
  • LocalInstance: self-managed database with a public IP address
  • RDS: ApsaraDB RDS instance
  • DRDS: PolarDB-X instance
  • MongoDB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance
  • Redis: ApsaraDB for Redis instance
  • PetaData: HybridDB for MySQL instance
  • POLARDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster
  • PolarDB_o: PolarDB for Oracle cluster
  • AnalyticDB: AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster V3.0 or V2.0
  • Greenplum: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance
DestinationEndpointOracleSID String Yes SID

You must specify this parameter only if the DestinationEndpointEngineName parameter is set to Oracle. Valid values:

  • SID: non-RAC architecture
  • RAC: RAC architecture
Note This parameter is optional. The data type of this parameter is String.
SourceEndpointArchitecture String Yes SID

You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to Oracle. Valid values:

  • SID: non-RAC architecture
  • RAC: RAC architecture
Note This parameter is optional.
SourceEndpointInstanceType String Yes RDS

The type of the source instance. Valid values:

  • RDS: ApsaraDB RDS instance
  • LocalInstance: self-managed database with a public IP address
  • ECS: self-managed database that is hosted on ECS
  • Express: self-managed database that is connected over Express Connect
  • dg: self-managed database that is connected over Database Gateway
  • MongoDB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance
  • POLARDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster
  • PolarDB_o: PolarDB for Oracle cluster
SourceEndpointInstanceID String No rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The ID of the source instance.

SourceEndpointEngineName String No MySQL

The engine type of the source database. Valid values: MySQL, TiDB, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, and Redis.

Note Default value: MySQL.
SourceEndpointRegion String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the source instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

SourceEndpointIP String No 172.16.88.***

The endpoint of the source database.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to LocalInstance or Express.
SourceEndpointPort String No 3306

The service port number of the source database.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to ECS, LocalInstance, or Express.
SourceEndpointOracleSID String No testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
SourceEndpointDatabaseName String No dtstestdata

The name of the source database or the authentication database.

  • You must specify this parameter if the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to PostgreSQL or MongoDB. You must also specify this parameter if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to PolarDB_o.
  • If the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to PostgreSQL or DRDS, specify the name of the source database. If the SourceEndpointEngineName parameter is set to MongoDB, specify the name of the authentication database.
  • If the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to PolarDB_o, specify the name of the source database.
SourceEndpointUserName String No dtstest

The database account of the source database.

Note The permissions that are required for database accounts vary with the migration or synchronization scenario. For more information, see Overview of data migration scenarios and Overview of data synchronization scenarios.
SourceEndpointPassword String No Test123456

The password of the source database account.

DestinationEndpointInstanceID String No testsid

The ID of the destination instance.

DestinationEndpointEngineName String No MySQL

The engine type of the destination database. Valid values: MySQL, DRDS, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, PPAS, MongoDB, and Redis.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the DestinationEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to RDS, DRDS, ECS, LocalInstance, or Express.
DestinationEndpointRegion String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the destination instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

DestinationEndpointIP String No 172.16.88.***

The endpoint of the destination database.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the DestinationEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to LocalInstance or Express.
DestinationEndpointPort String No 3306

The service port number of the source database.

Note You must specify this parameter only if the SourceEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to ECS, LocalInstance, or Express.
DestinationEndpointDatabaseName String No dtstestdata

The name of the destination database or the authentication database.

  • You must specify this parameter if the DestinationEndpointEngineName parameter is set to PostgreSQL, DRDS, or MongoDB. You must also specify this parameter if the DestinationEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to PolarDB_o.
  • If the DestinationEndpointEngineName parameter is set to PostgreSQL or DRDS, specify the name of the destination database. If the DestinationEndpointEngineName parameter is set to MongoDB, specify the name of the authentication database.
  • If the DestinationEndpointInstanceType parameter is set to PolarDB_o, specify the name of the destination database.
DestinationEndpointUserName String No dtstest

The database account of the destination database.

Note The permissions that are required for database accounts vary with the migration or synchronization scenario. For more information, see Overview of data migration scenarios and Overview of data synchronization scenarios.
DestinationEndpointPassword String No Test123456

The password of the destination database account.

RegionId String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the DTS instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
DestinationConnectionStatus Map { "connectDetail": [ { "testName": "PolarDB_o JDBC Connect", "testSuccess": true }, { "testName": "Ping ", "testSuccess": true }, { "testName": "Telnet ", "testSuccess": true } ], "connectRes": true, "connectAdvice": "" }

The connectivity of DTS servers to the destination database.

ErrCode String InternalError

The error code returned if the call failed.

ErrMessage String The request processing has failed due to some unknown error.

The error message returned if the call failed.

RequestId String 0A47C784-70EF-4111-8677-369CAA00****

The ID of the request.

SourceConnectionStatus Map { "connectDetail": [ { "testName": "Oracle JDBC Connect", "testSuccess": true }, { "testName": "Ping ", "testSuccess": false }, { "testName": "Telnet ", "testSuccess": true } ], "connectRes": true, "connectAdvice": "" }

The connectivity of DTS servers to the source database.

Success String true

Indicates whether the call was successful.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

                  <testName>Oracle JDBC Connect</testName>
                  <testName>Ping </testName>
                  <testName>Telnet </testName>
                  <testName>PolarDB_o JDBC Connect</testName>
                  <testName>Ping </testName>
                  <testName>Telnet </testName>

JSON format

  "RequestId": "0A47C784-70EF-4111-8677-369CAA00****",
  "SourceConnectionStatus": {
    "connectDetail": [
        "testName": "Oracle JDBC Connect",
        "testSuccess": true
        "testName": "Ping ",
        "testSuccess": false
        "testName": "Telnet ",
        "testSuccess": true
    "connectRes": true,
    "connectAdvice": ""
  "DestinationConnectionStatus": {
    "connectDetail": [
        "testName": "PolarDB_o JDBC Connect",
        "testSuccess": true
        "testName": "Ping ",
        "testSuccess": true
        "testName": "Telnet ",
        "testSuccess": true
    "connectRes": true,
    "connectAdvice": ""
  "Success": true

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.