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Container Service for Kubernetes:Enable service account token volume projection

Last Updated:Sep 07, 2023

When you create a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, you can enable service account token volume projection to enhance security when you use service accounts. This feature enables kubelet to request and store the token on behalf of the pod, and allows you to configure token properties such as the audience and validity period. If a token has existed for more than 24 hours or only 20% or fewer of its validity period remains, kubelet automatically rotates the token. This topic describes how to configure and use service account token volume projection for a ACK cluster.

Background information

Service accounts provide identities for pods when pods communicate with the API server of the cluster. Traditionally, you may encounter the following security issues when you use service accounts:
  • The JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) used by service accounts are not bound to audiences. A user of a service account can masquerade as another user and launch masquerade attacks.
  • The service account token is stored in a Secret and delivered as a file to the corresponding node. The service accounts used by system components may be granted unnecessary permissions. This results in a broad attack surface for the Kubernetes control plane. Attackers can obtain the service account used by system components to launch privilege escalation attacks.
  • JWTs are not time-bound. A JWT that is compromised in the aforementioned attacks stays valid for as long as the service account exists. You can mitigate the issue only by rotating the signing key of the service account. However, client-go does not support automated key rotation. You must perform manual key rotation, which is complex.
  • A Secret must be created for each service account. This may downgrade elasticity and capacity in large-scale workload deployments.

ACK supports the BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume feature to enhance the security of service accounts. This feature enables pods to use a projected volume to mount the service account to a container. This way, the dependency on Secrets is reduced.

Step 1: Enable service account token volume projection

When you create an ACK cluster, select Enable to enable service account token volume projection. For more information, see Create an ACK Pro cluster.
Note By default, service account token volume projection is enabled for ACK clusters of Kubernetes 1.22 and later versions.
After service account token volume projection is enabled, the apiserver and controller-manager system components automatically enable the BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume feature gate and the following parameters are added to the startup parameters of apiserver.
ParameterDescriptionDefaultConfiguration in the ACK console
service-account-issuerThe issuer of the service account token, which corresponds to the iss field in the token payload. https://kubernetes.default.svcSupported
api-audiencesThe identifiers of the API. The identifiers are used to validate the tokens at the apiserver side. https://kubernetes.default.svcSupported. You can set one or more audiences. Separate multiple audiences with commas (,).
service-account-signing-key-fileThe file path of the private key that signs the token. /etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.keyNot supported. Default value: /etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key.

Step 2: Use service account token volume projection

To configure a token with an audience of vault and a validity period of 2 hours for a pod, run the following command and use the following PodSpec template.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: build-robot
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - image: nginx
    name: nginx
    - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
      name: vault-token
  serviceAccountName: build-robot
  - name: vault-token
      - serviceAccountToken:
          path: vault-token
          expirationSeconds: 7200
          audience: vault
  • Make sure that the pod periodically reloads the token when it rotates. This ensures that the pod can obtain the latest token in real time. We recommend that you reload the token once every 5 minutes. client-go 10.0.0 and later versions support automatic reloading to obtain the latest token.
  • The permissions of the token file that corresponds to a service account are no longer 644. When BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume is used, the permissions are 600. When fsGroup is used, the permissions are 640.