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CloudMonitor:Create an application group

Last Updated:Aug 07, 2024

The application group feature allows you to manage resources from different services and regions by group. You can create application groups based on your business requirements. You can add servers, databases, or other resources that are related to the same business to an application group. You can also manage alert rules by application group.

Background information

The following table describes the methods that you can use to create application groups and the Alibaba Cloud services that are supported by each method.

Creation method


Supported Alibaba Cloud service

Create an application group based on tags

If tags are attached to your instances, you can specify a tag-based matching rule to create an application group. All instances that match the rule are automatically added to the application group. If an existing instance has a tag that is specified in the matching rule, an application group is automatically created for the tag. If a new instance has a tag that is specified in the matching rule, the instance is automatically added to the application group. Up to 3,000 instances can match a rule at a time.

For more information about how to create and attach tags in the Resource Management console, see Add a custom tag.

  • Elastic Compute Service (ECS)

  • ApsaraDB for Redis

  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB

  • ApsaraDB RDS

  • Server Load Balancer (SLB)

  • Elasticsearch

  • PolarDB for MySQL (New)

  • AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL

  • AnalyticDB for MySQL

  • Function Compute

  • E-MapReduce

  • Anti-DDoS Proxy

  • Alibaba Cloud CDN

  • VPC Peering Connection

  • Elastic IP Address (EIP)

  • Internet Shared Bandwidth

  • NAT Gateway

  • Object Storage Service (OSS)

  • Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS)

  • Application Load Balancer (ALB)

  • PolarDB for Xscale (PolarDB-X) 1.0

  • ApsaraDB for OceanBase

  • HybridDB for MySQL

  • VPN Gateway

  • IPv6 Internet Bandwidth

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)

  • OpenSearch

  • kafka

Manually create an application group

You can create a standard application group to manage existing instances based on your business requirements.

Appendix 1: Metrics

Create an application group based on instance names

You can create an application group by specifying a matching rule based on instance names. All instances that match the rule are automatically added to the application group.

  • ECS

  • ApsaraDB RDS

  • SLB

  • ApsaraDB for Redis

  • Tair DRAM-based instances (read/write splitting architecture)

  • Tair DRAM-based instances (standard architecture)

  • Tair DRAM-based instances (cluster architecture)

  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB (sharded cluster architecture)

  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB (replica set architecture)

  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB (standalone architecture)

  • PolarDB for MySQL

Create an application group from a resource group

You can create an application group from a resource group that you configure. Then, you can add all instances in the resource group to the application group.

For information about how to create a resource group in the Resource Management console, see Create a resource group.

  • ECS

  • ApsaraDB for Redis

  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB

  • ApsaraDB RDS

  • SLB

  • Elasticsearch

  • PolarDB

  • Alibaba Cloud CDN

  • EIP

  • Internet Shared Bandwidth

  • ALB

  • WAF

  • Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)

  • Anti-DDoS Proxy

  • Anti-DDoS Origin Basic

Create an application group based on tags

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring > Application Groups.

  3. On the Application Groups tab, click Create Application Group in the upper-left corner.

  4. In the Create Application Group panel, set the Creation Method parameter to Create Based on Tags, and then configure the other parameters as needed. The following table describes the parameters.



    Application Group Name

    CloudMonitor automatically generates a name for the application group.


    The region where the application group resides.

    Resource Tag Key

    The tag key of the instance. To automatically add instances, you can specify a matching rule based on the tag key and the tag value of a resource.

    You can create up to three tags. The tags are in the logical AND relation. You can select a tag as the prefix of the application group name.

    The name is generated in the <Tag name>-<Tag value>-<Random string> format.

    Tag Value

    The tag value of the instance. To automatically add instances, you can specify a matching rule based on the tag key and the tag value of a resource.

    Instances whose tag values contain, start with, end with, do not contain, or are equal to the value that you specify are automatically added to the application group. If you set the Tag Value parameter to All, all instances with the specified tag are added to the application group. A new instance that matches the rule is also added to the application group.

    You can create up to three tags. The tags are in the logical AND relation. You can select a tag as the prefix of the application group name.

    The name is generated in the <Tag name>-<Tag value>-<Random string> format.

    Initialize Agent Installation

    After you turn on Initialize Agent Installation, CloudMonitor automatically installs the CloudMonitor agent on the instances in the application group to collect monitoring data from the instances.

    By default, Initialize Agent Installation is turned on.

    Receive Event Notifications

    After you turn on Receive Event Notifications, CloudMonitor automatically sends alert notifications when critical or warning events occur on the instances that are added to the application group.

    By default, Receive Event Notifications is turned on.

    Alert Contact Group

    The contact group to which alert notifications are sent.

    For information about how to create an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.

    Alert Templates

    You can use an alert template to initialize the alert rules of the application group.

    For information about how to create an alert template, see Create an alert template.

  5. Click OK.

    On the Application Groups tab, you can view the application group that you created.

Manually create an application group

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring > Application Groups.

  3. On the Application Groups tab, click Create Application Group in the upper-left corner.

  4. In the Create Application Group panel, set the Creation Method parameter to Manually Create, and then configure the other parameters as needed. The following table describes the parameters.



    Application Group Name

    The name of the application group.

    Initialize Agent Installation

    After you turn on Initialize Agent Installation, CloudMonitor automatically installs the CloudMonitor agent on the instances in the application group to collect monitoring data from the instances.

    By default, Initialize Agent Installation is turned on.

    Receive Event Notifications

    After you turn on Receive Event Notifications, CloudMonitor automatically sends alert notifications when critical or warning events occur on the instances that are added to the application group.

    By default, Receive Event Notifications is turned on.

    Alert Contact Group

    The contact group to which alert notifications are sent.

    For information about how to create an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.

  5. Click OK.

  6. On the Group Resources page of the application group, click Manage Services and Resources.

  7. In the Add/Modify Group Resources panel, select the cloud services and instances that are associated with the application group.

  8. Click OK.

    On the Group Resources page of the application group, you can view the information about the cloud services and instances that you added.

  9. On the Group Resources page of the application group, click the 返回 icon to return to the Application Groups tab.

    On the Application Groups tab, you can view the application group that you created.

Create an application group based on instance names

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring > Application Groups.

  3. On the Application Groups tab, click Create Application Group in the upper-left corner.

  4. In the Create Application Group panel, set the Creation Method parameter to Create Based on Instance Name, and then configure the other parameters as needed. The following table describes the parameters.



    Application Group Name

    The name of the application group.

    Dynamically Add Instances

    Specify the matching rule. CloudMonitor automatically adds instances to the application group based on the names of the cloud services and instances.

    You can click Add Rule to configure multiple rules. Select Match All Conditions or Match Any Condition based on your business requirements.

    Initialize Agent Installation

    After you turn on Initialize Agent Installation, CloudMonitor automatically installs the CloudMonitor agent on the instances in the application group to collect monitoring data from the instances.

    By default, Initialize Agent Installation is turned on.

    Receive Event Notifications

    After you turn on Receive Event Notifications, CloudMonitor automatically sends alert notifications when critical or warning events occur on the instances that are added to the application group.

    By default, Receive Event Notifications is turned on.

    Alert Contact Group

    The contact group to which alert notifications are sent.

    For information about how to create an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.

  5. Click OK.

    On the Group Resources page of the application group, you can view the information about the cloud services and instances that you added.

  6. On the Group Resources page of the application group, click the 返回 icon to return to the Application Groups tab.

    On the Application Groups tab, you can view the application group that you created.

Create an application group from a resource group

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring > Application Groups.

  3. On the Application Groups tab, click Create Application Group in the upper-left corner.

  4. In the Create Application Group panel, set the Creation Method parameter to Create from Resource Group and configure the other parameters as needed. The following table describes the parameters.



    Resource Group Name

    Select a resource group in the Resource Management console.

    For information about how to create a resource group in the Resource Management console, see Create a resource group.

    Alert Contact Group

    The contact group to which alert notifications are sent.

    For information about how to create an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.

    Initialize Agent Installation

    After you turn on Initialize Agent Installation, CloudMonitor automatically installs the CloudMonitor agent on the instances in the application group to collect monitoring data from the instances.

    By default, Initialize Agent Installation is turned on.

    Receive Event Notifications

    After you turn on Receive Event Notifications, CloudMonitor automatically sends alert notifications when critical or warning events occur on the instances that are added to the application group.

    By default, Receive Event Notifications is turned on.

  5. Click OK.

    On the Application Groups tab, you can view the application group that you created.