This topic describes how to report monitoring data by using the SDK for Java.

The SDK for Java allows you to report monitoring data by using one of the following methods:
  • Use the SDK for Java to directly report monitoring data.
  • Use the SDK for Java to locally aggregate data and then report the aggregate data.

    The aggregation period must be 60s or 300s.

Install the SDK for Java

You can install the SDK for Java by adding the following Maven dependency:

Sample code

The following sample code shows how to report monitoring data by using the SDK for Java:
  • Report raw data
    CMSClientInit.groupId = 101L;// Specify the ID of the common application group.
            CMSClient cmsClient = new CMSClient(endpoint, accKey, secret);// Initialize the client.
            CustomMetricUploadRequest request = CustomMetricUploadRequest.builder()
                            .setMetricName("testMetric")// Specify the name of the metric.
                            .setGroupId(102L)// Specify the ID of the application group.
                            .setTime(new Date())
                            .setType(CustomMetric.TYPE_VALUE)// Set the type to raw data.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.VALUE, 1f)// Add raw data. Set the key to MetricAttribute.VALUE.
                            .appendDimension("key", "value")// Add a dimension.
                            .appendDimension("ip", "")// Add a dimension.
            CustomMetricUploadResponse response = cmsClient.putCustomMetric(request);// Report data.
  • Report aggregate data
    CMSClientInit.groupId = 101L;
            CMSClient cmsClient = new CMSClient(endpoint, accKey, secret);
            CustomMetricUploadRequest request = CustomMetricUploadRequest.builder()
                            .setTime(new Date())
                            .setType(CustomMetric.TYPE_AGG)// Set the type to aggregate data.
                            .setPeriod(CustomMetric.PERIOD_1M)// Set the aggregation period to 1 minute.
                            .appendDimension("test", "testValue")// Add a dimension.
                            .appendDimension("dimension", "dimensionValue")// Add a dimension.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.SUM, 100)// Add the total value.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.MAX, 20)// Add the maximum value.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.MIN, 0.1)// Add the minimum value.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.COUNT, 20)// Add the count.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.AVG, 5)// Add the average value.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.LAST, 10)// Add the last sample value of the aggregation period.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.P50, 10)// Add the value of the 50th percentile.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.P90, 17)// Add the value of the 90th percentile.
                            .appendValue(MetricAttribute.P99, 19)// Add the value of the 99th percentile.
            CustomMetricUploadResponse response = cmsClient.putCustomMetric(request);
Note For more information about the endpoints of Cloud Monitor in different regions, see Appendix 3: Endpoints for reporting monitoring data.

Sample response

The following code shows the sample response that is returned when you report monitoring data by using the SDK for Java:
    "Message": "success",
    "RequestId": "E25EE651-9C97-4EFD-AF22-A753B674E8D4",
    "Code": "200"

The HTTP status code 200 indicates a success.

Report aggregate data of multiple aggregation periods

Use the SDK for Java to locally aggregate data and then report the aggregate data.
Data typeDescriptionAggregated valueMemory usage
valueThe common value type.All properties except LastValueAbout 4 KB
gaugeThe sample value.LastValue4Byte
meterThe sum and rate.Sum and SumPerSecond50Byte
timerThe computing time.SampleCount, CountPerSecond, Average, Maximum, Minimum, and P10 to P99About 4 KB
histogramThe distribution.SampleCount, Average, Maximum, Minimum, and P10 to P99About 4 KB
Note The memory usage indicates the memory used by a single time series in a single aggregation period.
Sample code:
// Initialize data.
        CMSClientInit.groupId = 0L;
        CMSClient cmsClient = new CMSClient(accKey, secret, endpoint);// Create a client.
        CMSMetricRegistryBuilder builder = new CMSMetricRegistryBuilder();
// Create a registry that is used to report data of two aggregation periods.
final MetricRegistry registry =;
// Alternatively, create a registry that is used to report data of one aggregation period of 1 minute.
final MetricRegistry registry = _60S);
// Use the value type.
ValueWrapper value = registry.value("value"));
// Use the meter type.
MeterWrapper meter = registry.meter("meter"));
// Use the counter type.
CounterWrapper counter = registry.counter("counter"));;
// Use the timer type.
TimerWrapper timer = registry.timer("timer"));
timer.update(30, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Use the histogram type.
HistogramWrapper histogram = registry.histogram("histogram"));
// Use the gauge type.
final List list = new ArrayList();
registry.gauge("gauge"), new Gauge() {
                        public Number getValue() {
                            return list.size();