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Last Updated:Apr 03, 2024

Bastionhost is built on top of a stable cloud architecture and runs in dual-engine mode. Bastionhost can be deployed across the globe to ensure stable, secure, and efficient O&M of assets. This topic describes the benefits of Bastionhost.

Stable cloud architecture

Bastionhost adopts a cloud architecture. Elastic Compute Service, SLS, OSS, and ApsaraDB RDS, are independent of each other and the data of these services are separately stored. This prevents O&M interruptions caused by single points of failure (SPOFs). Simple Log Service, OSS, and ApsaraDB RDS feature high performance and high maturity, and ensure the security of assets. Bastionhost that is built on top of the cloud architecture is more stable, flexible, and secure.


Secure and reliable O&M capability

Bastionhost allows you to perform efficient O&M on Linux operating systems. Bastionhost also allows you to run efficient and smooth O&M on Windows operating systems, and complete audit records are also provided. You can also perform centralized management and O&M on assets in hybrid clouds, which may involve different clouds, data centers, and virtual private clouds (VPCs). Bastionhost is a closed source service that can prevent attacks and ensure stable, secure O&M of assets.

Global deployment

Bastionhost can be deployed across the globe, such as in regions in Asia Pacific, Americas, Europe and Middle East. Bastionhost provides an English web UI and supports two-factor authentication by using mobile phone numbers in different countries. This ensures secure O&M of assets.

Dual-engine architecture

Bastion hosts run in dual-engine mode to ensure stable operation. In this mode, business workloads are balanced, and O&M efficiency is improved. If connection errors occur, the HA mode is automatically enabled to prevent service interruptions and ensure continuous monitoring.

Ease of use

Bastionhost can be used out of the box and is easy to use and upgrade. You can add Elastic Compute Service within your Alibaba Cloud account and hosts in dedicated clusters to bastion hosts with a few clicks. You can also import RAM users, Active Directory (AD) users, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) users to bastion hosts with a few clicks. Bastionhost provides 24/7 remote support to meet your business requirements at any time.

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