Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus allows you to install and configure ZooKeeper exporters. Managed Service for Prometheus also provides out-of-the-box dashboards that you can use to monitor your applications.
Procedure 1: Integration Center of Managed Service for Prometheus
- Log on to the ARMS console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
- Click the name of the Prometheus instance instance that you want to manage to go to the Integration Center page.
Procedure 2: Integration Center in the ARMS console
- Log on to the ARMS console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, click Integration Center. On the Integration Center page, click ZooKeeper in the Application Components section. In the Monitor ZooKeeper panel that appears, follow the on-screen instructions to add the exporter.
Install and configure a ZooKeeper exporter
This section describes how to install and configure a ZooKeeper exporter on the Integration Center page of Managed Service for Prometheus.
- Install a ZooKeeper exporter
- If you install a ZooKeeper exporter for the first time, perform the following operation:
In the uninstalled section of the Integration Center page, find the ZooKeeper exporter and click Install.
- If you have installed a ZooKeeper exporter, you need to add the exporter again:
In the Installed section of the Integration Center page, click Add on the ZooKeeper exporter.
- If you install a ZooKeeper exporter for the first time, perform the following operation:
- On the Configuration tab in the STEP2 section, configure the parameters and click OK. The following table describes the parameters.
Parameter Description Exporter Name The name of the ZooKeeper exporter. The name must meet the following requirements: - The name can contain only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-) and cannot start or end with a hyphen (-).
- The name must be unique.
Note If you do not specify this parameter, the system uses the default name, which consists of the exporter type and a numeric suffix.ZooKeeper Address The URL that is used to access the ZooKeeper server. ZooKeeper Port The port number of the ZooKeeper server. Example: 2181. Note You can view the monitoring metrics on the Metrics tab in the STEP2 section.The installed components are displayed in the Installed section of the Integration Center page. Click the component. In the panel that appears, you can view information such as targets, metrics, dashboard, alerts, service discovery configurations, and exporters. For more information, see Integration center.