The slider on the progress bar cannot be dragged to a specified time point for an MP4 or FLV video in the Flash player

To drag the slider on the progress bar to a specified time point for an MP4 or FLV video in the Flash player, make sure that the video data of the specified time point can be obtained from CDN. When the slider on the progress bar is dragged, the player sends a request containing the time range information to CDN. After CDN receives such a request, it returns the corresponding video data. To implement this feature, the following two conditions must be met:

  • Index information, for example, the timestamp of an mp4 video and meta information of an flv video, must be contained in the file header. After parsing the index information, the player can obtain data points of the time range specified by the drag operation. CDN sends a request.

  • CDN supports requests containing the time range or byte range information. For more information about how to enable this feature in the CDN console, see Video seeking.