This topic describes how to add an RDS data source.


  1. Log on to the Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS) web UI. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Source Manage > Add Data Source.
  2. On the Add data source page, configure the following parameters.
    Parameter Description
    Name The custom name of the data source. The name can contain letters and digits.
    Data Source Type Select RDS.
    • username: the username that is used to connect to the database.
    • password: the password that is used to connect to the database.
    • jdbcUrl: Replace rm-xxxxxx with the domain name of your ApsaraDB RDS instance and replace {{database}} with the name of the database.
    • userCursoreFetch: The default value is used. You do not need to change the value.
  3. Click Add.