This topic describes how to purchase an ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition cluster in the ApsaraDB for HBase console and connect to the cluster over a network. After you purchase and connect to the cluster, you can use and manage the cluster.

Use ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition for the first time.


The following process shows how to use ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition for the first time. Procedure
  1. Purchase a cluster: Specify cluster information, such as node specifications and storage, based on your business requirements.
  2. Configure a whitelist: Configure an IP address whitelist or specify security groups as whitelists. Only the clients in the whitelists can access the cluster. This prevents unauthorized access to the cluster and improves the database security.
  3. Access the cluster: You can use the client of HBase Community Edition or the dedicated Alibaba HBase client to connect to ApsaraDB for HBase Standard Edition clusters. For more information about how to download a client and add the client as a dependency, see Download HBase SDK for Java.