This topic describes how to purchase an ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition instance in the ApsaraDB for HBase console and connect to the instance over a network. After you purchase and connect to the instance, you can use and manage the instance.


If you use an ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition instance for the first time, you must follow the process illustrated in the following figure. Procedure


The preceding figure shows the process to use an ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition instance.

  1. Purchase an instance: Specify instance information, such as instance specifications and storage based on your business requirements.
  2. Configure a whitelist: Configure an IP address whitelist or security groups for your instance. Only the clients allowed by the whitelist and the security groups can access the instance. This prevents unauthorized access to the instance and improves database security.
  3. Access the instance: You can use the ApsaraDB for HBase Java API, HBaseue Shell, or the thrift server provided by ApsaraDB for HBase to access ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition instances. The thrift server provided by ApsaraDB for HBase supports multiple programming languages.