Prometheus Service (Prometheus) automatically creates default alert rules for monitored applications. For more information about default alert rules, see Description of alert rules.

Prometheus provides the defaultAlert parameter that allows you to specify whether Prometheus automatically creates default alert rules. If this parameter is set to true, Prometheus automatically creates default alert rules. If this parameter is set to false, Prometheus does not automatically create default alert rules.

To prevent Prometheus from automatically creating default alert rules for a monitored application, you can set the defaultAlert parameter of the Prometheus agent to false. After you disable automatic creation of default alert rules, we recommend that you delete the default alert rules that have been created by Prometheus for your application.

To configure the Prometheus agent for a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Set the defaultAlert parameter of the Prometheus agent to false.
    1. Log on to the ACK console.
    2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.
    3. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click Applications in the Actions column.
    4. On the Deployments page, select arms-prom from the Namespace drop-down list, find the Deployment whose name starts with arms-prom, such as arms-prom-ack-arms-prometheus, and then click Edit in the Actions column.
    5. On the Edit page, find the Start parameter in the Lifecycle section. In the Parameter field, enter -defaultAlert=false. Then, click Update in the upper-right corner of the page.
      After the Prometheus agent is updated, wait 3 to 5 minutes. Prometheus no longer creates default alert rules for the cluster.
  2. Optional: Delete the default alert rules that have been created by Prometheus.
    1. Log on to the Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) console.
    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Prometheus Monitoring > Prometheus Instances.
    3. On the Prometheus Monitoring page, click the name of the ACK cluster that you want to manage.
    4. In the left-side navigation pane, click Alerts Rules. Find the default alert rule that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.