This topic describes the Log Service fields of Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) Browser Monitoring. You can use these fields to query logs in complex scenarios.

Metric-specific field t

Value of t Description
api The type of the API.
pv The type of page views (PVs). The field is used to calculate metrics such as PV and UV.
perf The performance of the page.
health The health status of the page.
speed The custom data transmission rate. Specify the data transmission rate with a keyword. Valid values of the keyword: s0 to s10.
behavior The field is used to report user behavior if errors occur.
error The field is used to report JavaScript (JS) errors.
resourceError The field is used to report resource errors.
sum The field is used to report a sum value.
avg The field is used to report an average value.
custom The field is used to configure custom fields that you want to report. The custom fields cannot exceed 20 characters in length. Each field is automatically prefixed with x- when the field is reported.

Common fields

Field Type Example Description
begin number 1626320736212 The time when the client logs are generated. The value is a timestamp.
ct string 4g The network type.
date number 1626320736212 By default, the value of the date field is the same as the value of the begin field. If the begin field does not exist, set the value of the date field to the time of the server.
detector_browser string safari The type of the browser.
detector_browser_version string 14.1.1 The version of the browser.
detector_device string mac The type of the device.
detector_engine string webkit The engine of the browser.
detector_engine_version string 605.1.15 The version of the browser engine.
detector_os string macos The operating system.
detector_os_version string 10.15.7 The version of the operating system.
detector_type string pc The type of the device.
environment string prod The environment.
http_referer string The referer.
http_user_agent string Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Safari/605.1.15 The user agent of the browser.
ip_city string Beijing The name of the city.
ip_city_id string 110100 The administrative division code of the city.
ip_country string China The name of the country.
ip_country_id string CN The alpha-2 code of the country.
ip_isp string China Unicom The carrier.
ip_region string Beijing The provincial administrative division.
ip_region_id string 110000 The code of the provincial administrative division.
page string testing The URL of the page.
pv_id string bkkRsrej4OFdv2d4yeb37Xb2R2Xp The ID of the PV.
release string 2.0.123 The version of the client.
remote_addr string 111.198.XX.XX The IP address of the client.
sample_api number 4 The sampling rate of the API.
sample_health number 3 The sampling rate of the health status.
sample_pv number 3 The sampling rate of the PV.
sample_resourceError number 100 The sampling rate of resource errors.
sampling number 100 The global sampling rate.
sid string kCk83rFv40Caz06y3pv****** The session ID.
sr string 1280x800 The screen resolution.
src string The IP address that you want to monitor.
t string resourceError The type of logs.
times number 100 The number of times that a similar event occurred.
uid string 94kUgryg4thaLg61ep5****** The ID of the user.
vp string 1280x677 The page size.
xpath string > head. > script. The path of the node.
z string kr4dde7g The field is used to prevent caching.
Note A storage table also contains auxiliary fields prefixed with an underscore (_), such as _line, _v, and _target. These fields are generated during data flow processing. They are used for calculations and are irrelevant to business. You can ignore these fields.

API (t: api)

Example of data reporting:
t: api
times: 1
page: tracing/list/cn-hangzhou
environment: prod
begin: 1638178731302
api: /api/trace.json
success: 1
time: 63
code: 200
msg: success
traceId: 7eb784eb16381787313011******
pv_id: 7ekzzwImkbyhU5bIeiX0v9******
flag: 1
sr: 1680x1050
vp: 1628x946
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: F9kb7w53kFzg1vcb34vndj17qgOd
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 2.0.0
sampling: 1
z: kwkgc3er
Field Type Example Description
page string tracing/list/cn-hangzhou The URL of the page from which the API request is sent.
api string /api/trace.json The URL of the API.
success number 1 Indicates whether the request is successful.
  • 1: The request is successful.
  • 0: The request failed.
time number 63 The time consumed for the API request. Unit: ms.
code string 200 The returned status code.
msg string success The returned message body.
traceId string 7eb784eb16381787313011****** The trace ID reported with the API request.
pv_id string 7ekzzwImkbyhU5bIeiX0v9****** The ID of the PV to which the request belongs.

PV (t: pv)

Example of data reporting:
t: pv
times: 1
page: tracing/callChains/cn-hangzhou
environment: prod
begin: 1638179112949
uid: xxx
dt: Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS)
dpr: 1.00
de: utf-8
ul: zh
sr: 1680x1050
vp: 1628x946
ct: 4g
sid: F9kb7w53kFzg1vcb34vnd******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 2.0.0
pv_id: Rhksdwe1kFLhhXjwqp159******
sampling: 1
z: kwkgc3f9
Field Type Example Description
pv_id string Rhksdwe1kFLhhXjwqp159****** The ID of the PV.
dt string Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) The title of the page.
dr string The document referrer.
dpr number 1.00 The screen resolution.
de string utf-8 The encoding type of the document.
ul string zh The language of the document.
dl string The URL of the page.

Health (t: health)

Example of data reporting:
t: health
times: 1
page: tracing/callChains/cn-hangzhou
environment: prod
begin: 1638178731334
errcount: 0
apisucc: 42
apifail: 0
healthy: 1
stay: 1647744
sr: 1680x1050
vp: 1628x946
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: F9kb7w53kFzg1vcb34vndj******
pid: xxx@xxxx
_v: 2.0.0
pv_id: Iakvsw01ktagjzcpz773g******
sampling: 1
z: kwkgc3ep
Field Type Example Description
errcount number 0 The number of errors.
apisucc number 42 The number of successful API calls.
apifail number 0 The number of failed API calls.
healthy number 1 The health status.
  • 1: Healthy
  • 0: Unhealthy
stay number 1647744 The period of time that a visitor stays on the page.

To prevent the period of time from being too short, the value of the stay field cannot be less than 2000 and must be reported the same way as the PV. Therefore, if a visitor keeps switching pages, the API data that is reported in the Health logs is less than the actual data.

Perf (t: perf)

Example of data reporting:
t: perf
times: 1
environment: prod
begin: 1638183632694
dns: 12
tcp: 17
ssl: 14
ttfb: 426
trans: 3
dom: 1760
res: 1466
firstbyte: 455
fpt: 479
tti: 2239
ready: 2243
load: 3709
ct: 4g
bandwidth: 10
navtype: Reload
fmp: 4374
autoSend: true
sr: 2560x1440
vp: 1293x1336
uid: xxx
sid: F9kb7w53kFzg1vcb34vndj******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 2.0.0
pv_id: CskRtw6hkFnk5j8FvjR0i******
sampling: 1
z: kwkk8jit
Note Business fields such as t1-t10, ctti, and cfpt are used to manually report custom performance data. Only Perf logs contain these fields.
Field Type Example Description
dns number 12 The time consumed for Domain Name System (DNS) connection.
tcp number 17 The time consumed for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection.
ssl number 14 The time consumed for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
ttfb number 426 The time to first byte (TTFB). The TTFB indicates the period from the time when the browser makes the request to the time when the browser receives the first byte of the page.
trans number 3 The time consumed for data transmission.
dom number 1760 The time consumed for document object model (DOM) resolution.
res number 1466 The time consumed for resource loading.
firstbyte number 455 The period from the time when the browser starts the domain name lookup for the resource to the time when the browser receives the first byte of the page.
fpt number 479 The First Paint Time (FPT).
tti number 2239 The time to interact (TTI).
ready number 2243 The time consumed to load an HTML page, namely, the time consumed to construct the DOM.
load number 3709 The time consumed to completely load the page.
navtype string Reload The method used to load the page.
  • Reload
  • Other
fmp number 4374 The First Meaningful Paint (FMP).

Behavior (t: behavior)

Example of data reporting:
t: behavior
times: 1
environment: prod
begin: 1638184741074
sr: 2560x1440
vp: 1293x1336
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: X3kz5wR9ka8kIws06yIwse******
pid: xxx%40xxx
_v: 1.8.30
pv_id: shkRqwIpkLak92ttv8ne6******
sampling: 1
z: kwkkt89j 

    "behavior": [
            "type": "",
            "data": {
                "message": ""
            "timestamp": 1638184607432,
            "page": "/apm"
            "type": "navigation",
            "data": {
                "from": "",
                "to": ""
            "timestamp": 1638184607433,
            "page": "/apm"
            "type": "",
            "data": {
                "message": ""
            "timestamp": 1638184617802,
            "page": "/apm"
            "type": "navigation",
            "data": {
                "from": "",
                "to": "{%22tabs%22:%22iss%22}"
            "timestamp": 1638184617804,
            "page": "/apm"
            "type": "",
            "data": {
                "message": ""
            "timestamp": 1638184619991,
            "page": "/apm"

Error (t: error)

Example of data reporting:
t: error
times: 1
page: 8880/demo/index.html
environment: prod
begin: 1638185189365
cate: ReferenceError
msg: unknownmethod333 is not defined
stack: ReferenceError: unknownmethod333 is not defined
line: 278
col: 9
sr: 2560x1440
vp: 1293x1336
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: wek9kwC2e28us2xnm99F5******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 1.8.31
pv_id: RgkFyw9zk67l995pnwI5x5******
sampling: 1
z: kwkl5wxv

    "err": {
        "msg_raw": "unknownmethod333%20is%20not%20defined",
        "stack_raw": ""
Field Type Example Description
cate string ReferenceError The name of the error. Default value: CustomError.
msg string unknownmethod333 is not defined The error message, which can contain a maximum of 1,000 characters.
stack string ReferenceError: unknownmethod333 is not defined at The error stack information. The value can contain a maximum of 1,000 characters.
file string The JS file that stores the error message.
line number 278 The row in which the error occurred.
col number 9 The column in which the error occurred.
err string { "msg_raw": "unknownmethod333%20is%20not%20defined", "stack_raw": "" } The error details.

ResourceError (t: resourceError)

Example of data reporting:
t: resourceError
times: 1
page: 8880/demo/index.html
environment: prod
begin: 1638185188224
src: http://example/unknown/picture.jpg
node_name: img
xpath: html. > body. > img.
res_type: img
res_name: /unknown/picture.jpg
domain: example
sr: 2560x1440
vp: 1293x1336
ct: 4g
uid: 5kk0Ou0mpadgbp421iXhr******
sid: wek9kwC2e28us2xnm99F5******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 1.8.31
pv_id: RgkFyw9zk67l995pnwI5x******
sampling: 1
z: kwkl5wxm
Field Type Example Description
src string http://example/unknown/picture.jpg The URL of the resource.
node_name string img The HTML type of the error.
xpath string html. > body. > img. The location where the error occurred.
res_type string img The type of the resource.
res_name string /unknown/picture.jpg The name of the resource.
domain string example The domain name of the resource.

Sum (t: sum) & Avg (t: avg) & Percent (t: percent)

Example of data reporting:
t: sum
times: 1
page: tracing/callChains/cn-hangzhou
environment: prod
begin: 1638178731104
key: Application list
val: 1
group: ARMS2_NavItemClick
sr: 1680x1050
vp: 1628x946
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: F9kb7w53kFzg1vcb34vndj******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 2.0.0
pv_id: Iakvsw01ktagjzcpz773g8******
sampling: 1
z: kwkgc3eo
Field Type Example Description
key string Application list The name of the event. Separate multiple events with two colons (::).

Reportable objects:

  • __bl.sum('eventA')
  • __bl.sum('eventB', 2)
  • __bl.sum('groupX::eventC')
val number 1 The value of Sum, Avg, or Percent.
group string ARMS2_NavItemClick The group of Sum, Avg, or Percent.

Custom (t: custom)

The field is used to configure custom fields that you want to report. The custom fields cannot exceed 20 characters in length. Each field is automatically prefixed with x- when the field is reported.

Example of data reporting:
t: custom
times: 1
environment: prod
begin: 1638185189340
x-msg: testcreateInstance222 is ok
sr: 2560x1440
vp: 1293x1336
ct: 4g
uid: xxx
sid: wek9kwC2e28us2xnm99F5w******
pid: xxx@xxx
_v: 1.8.31
pv_id: 99ktyw7akk0lIO565xXCw******
sampling: 1
z: kwkl5wxr