This topic describes the error codes of API Gateway.
1. Error codes for API Gateway instances of the VPC type
The error codes described in this section apply to shared or serverless instances
of the VPC type and dedicated instances
of the VPC type.
If the
header is not empty in a response received by a client, the error code is generated by API Gateway. Such an error code is a six-character string. The following table lists all possible error codes that may be generated by API Gateway. For the detailed error message, refer to theX-Ca-Error-Message
header.If the
header is empty, the HTTP status code is generated by a backend service. API Gateway passes through the error information from the backend service.
Error code | HTTP status code | Message | Description |
I400HD | 400 | Invalid Header `${HeaderName}` ${Reason} | The error message returned because the HTTP request header is invalid. |
I400MH | 400 | Header `${HeaderName}` is Required | The error message returned because the HTTP request header is missing. |
I400BD | 400 | Invalid Body: ${Reason} | The error message returned because the HTTP request body is invalid. |
I400PA | 400 | Invalid Request Path `${Reason}` | The error message returned because the HTTP request path is invalid. |
I405UM | 405 | Unsupported Method `${Reason}` | The error message returned because the HTTP request method is not supported. |
I400RU | 400 | Invalid Request Uri `${Reason}` | The error message returned because the HTTP request URL is invalid. |
I403PT | 403 | Invalid protocol ${Protocol} unsupported | The error message returned because the protocol is not supported based on the API configuration. Check the API configuration. |
I413RL | 413 | Request body too Large | The error message returned because the request body is too large. For more information, see Limits. |
I413UL | 413 | Request URL too Large | The error message returned because the request URL is too long. For more information, see Limits. |
I400CT | 400 | Invalid Content-Type: `${Reason}` | The error message returned because the Content-Type value is invalid. |
I404DO | 404 | Invalid Domain `${DomainName}` | The error message returned because an unknown domain name is requested. Use a bound domain name for the call. |
I410GG | 410 | Group's instance invalid | The error message returned because an invalid instance is requested. The API group may not belong to the current instance. |
I400SG | 400 | Invalid Stage | The error message returned because an unknown environment is requested. |
I404NF | 404 | API not found ${Reason} | The error message returned because the API could not be found in the current environment based on the path and method parameters in the request. For more information, see What do I do if the I404NF error is reported? |
X400PM | 400 | Invalid plugin meta ${PluginName} ${Reason} | The error message returned because the metadata of the plug-in is invalid. |
X500ED | 500 | Expired api definition | The error message returned because expired metadata of earlier versions is no longer supported by the new version of API Gateway. To modify the metadata of an earlier version, submit a ticket. |
X500AM | 500 | Invalid Api Meta, try deploy again or contact us via ticket | The error message returned because the format of the saved metadata is invalid. To fix this issue, submit a ticket. |
X403DG | 403 | Bad Domain or Group: ${Reason} | The error message returned because the data of the API group is invalid. |
B451DO | 451 | Unavailable Domain for Legal Reasons | The error message returned because the domain name does not comply with the requirements of relevant laws or regulations. |
B451GO | 451 | Unavailable Group for Legal Reasons | The error message returned because the API group does not comply with the requirements of relevant laws or regulations. |
B403OD | 403 | Provider Account Overdue | The error message returned because the API provider has an overdue payment. If the API is purchased in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace, contact the service provider. |
A401AC | 401 | Invalid AppCode ${Reason} | The error message returned because AppCode authentication is used but the AppCode is not found. Check whether the application is authorized and whether the AppCode is correct. |
A400IK | 400 | Invalid AppKey | The error message returned because the AppKey is not found when you perform an authorization by using a key-secret pair. |
A403IS | 403 | Invalid Signature, Server StringToSign:`${StringToSign}` | The error message returned because the signature is invalid. For more information, see Invalid signature. |
A403EP | 403 | App authorization expired | The error message returned because the authorization expired. Grant permissions again. |
A403PR | 403 | Plugin Authorization Needed | The error message returned because plug-in authorization is required. |
A400MA | 400 | Need authorization, `X-Ca-Key` or `Authorization: APPCODE ...` is required | The error message returned because authorization in AppCode mode or by using a key-secret pair is required. |
I400I5 | 400 | Invalid Content-MD5 ${Reason} | The error message returned because the Content-MD5 value is invalid. |
I400NC | 400 | X-Ca-Nonce is required | The error message returned because the X-Ca-Nonce header is not provided after you select Force Nonce Check (Anti Replay by X-Ca-Nonce). |
S403NU | 403 | Nonce Used | The error message returned because a replay attack is detected. The X-Ca-Nonce header in the request has been used. |
S403TE | 403 | X-Ca-Timestamp is expired | The error message returned because the timestamp provided in the X-Ca-Timestamp header has expired. The timestamp is valid for 15 minutes |
I400MP | 400 | Parameter `${ParameterName}` is required | The error message returned because one or more required parameter in the API configuration are left empty. |
I400IP | 400 | Invalid parameter `${ParameterName}` ${Reason} | The error message returned because the value of a parameter in the API configuration is invalid. |
I400JR | 400 | JWT required | The error message returned because JSON Web Token (JWT)-related parameters are not found. |
S403JI | 403 | Claim `jti` is required when `preventJtiReplay:true` | The error message returned because no valid jti claim is included in the request when the preventJtiReplay parameter is set to true in a JWT authentication plug-in. |
A403SV | 403 | Claim `jti` in JWT is used | The error message returned because the jti claim that is included in the request has been used when the preventJtiReplay parameter is set to true in a JWT authentication plug-in. |
I400JD | 400 | JWT Deserialize Failed: `${Token}` | The error message returned because the JWT in the request cannot be resolved. |
A403JT | 403 | Invalid JWT: ${Reason} | The error message returned because the JWT in the request is invalid. |
A403JK | 403 | No matching JWK, `${kid}` not found | The error message returned because no JWK matches the kid configured in the JWT in the request. |
A403JE | 403 | JWT is expired at `${Date}` | The error message returned because the JWT in the request expired. |
I400JP | 400 | Invalid JWT plugin config: ${JWT} | The error message returned because the JWT authentication plug-in is incorrectly configured. |
A403OL | 403 | OAuth2 Login failed: ${Reason} | |
A403OU | 403 | OAuth2 Get User Info failed: ${Reason} | |
A401OT | 401 | Invalid OAuth2 Access Token | |
A401OM | 401 | OAuth2 Access Token is required | |
T429ID | 429 | Throttled by INNER DOMAIN Flow Control, ${Domain} is a test domain, only 1000 requests per day | The error message returned because the limit of API calls is exceeded. If you use the default second-level domain name, the limit is 1,000 calls per day for regions in the Chinese mainland and 100 calls per day for regions outside the Chinese mainland. |
T429IN | 429 | Throttled by INSTANCE Flow Control | The error message returned because throttling is triggered for the current instance. Upgrade the instance specification. |
T429GR | 429 | Throttled by GROUP Flow Control | The error message returned because throttling is triggered for the current API group. Upgrade the instance specification. |
T429PA | 429 | Throttled by API Flow Control | The error message returned because the default API-level throttling policy defined in the throttling plug-in is triggered. |
T429PR | 429 | Throttled by PLUGIN Flow Control | The error message returned because the special throttling policy defined in the throttling plug-in is triggered. |
T429SR | 429 | Throttled by SERVER Flow Control | |
T429MR | 429 | Too Many Requests, throttle by `${Description}` | |
A403IP | 403 | Access denied by IP Control Policy | The error message returned because access is denied by the IP address-based access control plug-in. |
A403IN | 403 | Access from internet is disabled ${Reason} | APIs and API groups cannot be called over the Internet. You can call them over a private network. For more information, see VPC-based API Calls. |
A403VN | 403 | Access from invalid VPC is disabled | The error message returned because access over the specified VPC is denied. |
A403AC | 403 | Access Control Forbidden by ${RuleName} | The error message returned because access is denied by the access control plug-in. |
A403CO | 403 | Cross origin resource forbidden ${Domain} | The error message returned because access is denied by the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) plug-in. |
I404CO | 404 | Cross origin resource not found ${Method} - ${Path} | The error message returned because the API definition is not found based on the request path and the request method that are pre-checked by the CORS plug-in. |
I404CH | 404 | Content not cached, with `Cache-Control:only-if-cached` | |
I404NR | 404 | ${Resource} not found | |
I404SR | 404 | Stage route missing: ${Reason} | |
B403MO | 403 | Api Market Subscription overdue | The error message returned because the API provider has an overdue payment. Contact the service provider. |
B403MQ | 403 | Api Market Subscription quota exhausted | The error message returned because the quota of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace-purchased APIs has been exhausted. Renew the quota. |
B403ME | 403 | Api Market Subscription expired | The error message returned because the API subscription has expired. Create another subscription. |
B403MI | 403 | Api Market Subscription invalid | The error message returned because the subscribed API service is invalid. |
D504RE | 504 | Backend domain `${Domain}` resolve failed | The error message returned because the backend domain name fails to be resolved. Verify the backend domain name. |
D504IL | 504 | Backend domain `${Domain}` resolve to illegal address `${Address}` | The error message returned because the resolution result for the domain name of the backend service is invalid. |
D504CO | 504 | Backend service connect failed `${Reason}` | The error message returned because API Gateway failed to access the backend service. In this case, you must check the security group and firewall settings or the status of the backend server. For more information, see Troubleshoot D504CO errors. |
504 | Backend service connect failed `Connection lease request time out` | The error message returned because the backend service fails to be connected due to dry connection pool. Upgrade the instance specification. | |
D504CS | 504 | Backend http ssl connect failed `${Reason}` | The error message returned because the backend service fails to be connected over HTTPS. Check whether the protocol that is configured for the backend service matches the port. |
D504TO | 504 | Backend service request timeout | The error message returned because the request to the backend service times out. Increase the backend timeout period or improve the handling capability of the backend service. |
X504VE | 504 | Backend service vpc mapped failed | The error message returned because the VPC mapping of the backend service fails. |
D503BB | 503 | Backend circuit breaker busy | The error message returned because the API is protected by its circuit breaker. |
D503CB | 503 | Backend circuit breaker open, ${Reason} | The error message returned because the circuit breaker is open for the API. Check the performance of the backend service. |
I508LD | 508 | Loop Detected | The error message returned because a loopback call is detected. |
I404DD | 404 | Device id ${DeviceId} not found | The error message returned because the device ID is not found when you call APIs over WebSocket. |
A403FC | 403 | Function Compute AssumeRole failed ${RequestId}:${Reason} | The error message returned because an authorization error occurred when Function Compute is used as the backend service. |
D502FC | 502 | Function Compute response invalid: ${Reason} | The error message returned because the response from the backend service is invalid when Function Compute is used as the backend service. |
N502RE | 502 | Send Response IO Exception: ${Reason} | The error message returned because an exception occurred when the server sends a response to the client. Check whether the client closes the connection in advance or a network error occurred. |
X500ER | 500 | Service Internal Error | The error message returned because an error occurred on the internal server. To fix this issue, submit a ticket to contact API Gateway technical support. |
X503BZ | 503 | Service Busy | The error message returned because the API Gateway service is busy. Try again later. |
X504TO | 504 | Service timeout | The error message returned because a timeout error occurs in API Gateway. To contact technical support, submit a ticket. |
Specific error codes may change when the service is updated or new features are added.
2. Error codes for API operation management
When you call API operations provided by API Gateway, such as CreateAPI, ModifyAPI, and DeleteAPI, error codes that are listed in the following sections may be reported.
2.1 Error codes for servers
The reported HTTP status code is 5XX, which indicates that services are unavailable. In this case, we recommend that you try again later.
Error code | Message | HTTP status code | Description | Solution |
ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 503 | The error message returned because the service is unavailable. | Try again later. |
InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | 500 | The error code returned because an internal error occurs. | Try again later. |
2.2 Error codes for clients
The reported HTTP status code is 4XX, which indicates a business error. A business error can be a parameter error, an error caused by access control, or a business logic error. Carefully view error information before you troubleshoot issues.
Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Description | Solution |
Repeated%s | The specified %s is repeated. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of a parameter has been used. %s in the message is a placeholder that indicates a parameter name. | Change the parameter value and try again. |
RepeatedCommit | Resubmit request. | 400 | The error message returned because the request has been submitted. | Do not repeatedly submit the same request. |
Missing%s | The %s is mandatory for this action. | 400 | The error message returned because the %s parameter is not specified. | Specify the %s parameter based on the error description and try again. |
MissingAppIdOrAppOwner | AppId or AppOwner must have a valid value. | 400 | The error message returned because the AppId or AppOwner parameter is not specified. | Specify the AppId or AppOwner parameter, or both of them. |
Invalid%s | The specified parameter %s value is not valid. | 400 | The error message returned because the specified parameter is invalid. | View the requirements on the specified parameter, modify the parameter, and then try again. |
NotFound%s | Cannot find resource according to your specified %s. | 400 | The error message returned because no resource can be found based on the value of the %s parameter. | Check whether the %s parameter is correctly specified. |
InvalidFormat%s | The specified parameter %s value is not well formatted. | 400 | The error message returned because the parameter format is invalid. | View the requirements on the format of the value of the %s parameter, modify the parameter value, and then try again. |
Duplicate%s | The specified parameter %s value is duplicate. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the %s parameter has been used. | Change the parameter value and try again. |
DependencyViolation%s | The specified %s has %s definitions. | 400 | The error message returned because the parameter dependency is invalid. | Remove the dependency. A parameter on which other parameters depend cannot be deleted. To delete such a parameter, remove the dependency first. |
Forbidden%s | Not allowed to operate on the specified %s. | 403 | The error message returned because you are not allowed to perform the operation. | Obtain the permission to perform the operation. |
NoPermission | User is not authorized to operate on the specified resource. | 403 | The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform operations on the specified resource. | Obtain the permissions to perform operations on the specified resource. |
ExceedLimit%s | The specified %s count exceeds the limit. | 400 | The error message returned because the number of APIs, API groups, or apps created within your Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the quota. | Modify the quota of APIs, API groups, or apps. |
UserNotFound | The specified user can not be found. | 404 | The error message returned because the specified user does not exist. | Enter valid information about the user. |
DomainCertificateNotFound | Cannot find the domain certificate. | 400 | The error message returned because the certificate for the specified domain name does not exist. | Check the ID and name of the uploaded certificate. |
DomainNotResolved | The specified domain has not been resolved. | 400 | The error message returned because the specified domain name is not resolved. | Bind a specific CNAME record to the second-level domain name of the API group. Domain name resolution is performed by the domain name registrar from which you purchase the domain name. |
InvalidICPLicense | The specified domain have not got ICP license, or the ICP license does not belong to Aliyun. | 400 | The error message returned because the Internet Content Provider (ICP) filing for the specified domain name is invalid. | Apply for an ICP filing for the domain name in Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing System. If you have applied for an ICP filing for the domain name in other systems, you must add Alibaba Cloud as a service provider to the ICP filing. To apply for an ICP filing, you must obtain a service identification number. Each Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with a public IP address provides five service identification numbers. |
Invalid%s.LengthLimit | The parameter %s length exceeds the limit. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the %s parameter exceeds the upper limit in length. | Change the parameter value and try again. |
InvalidApiDefault | The ApiDefault value exceeds limit. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the apiDefault parameter exceeds the threshold. | Change the value of the apiDefault parameter. The value of the apiDefault parameter cannot exceed 100 million, regardless of the unit. |
InvalidAppDefault | The AppDefault value must smaller than the UserDefault and ApiDefault. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the appDefault parameter does not meet requirements. | Change the value of the appDefault parameter. The value must be less than the value of the apiDefault parameter and the userDefault parameter. |
InvalidUserDefault | The UserDefault value must bigger than the AppDefault and smaller than the ApiDefault. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the userDefault parameter does not meet requirements. | Change the value of the userDefault parameter. The value must be greater than the value of the appDefault parameter but less than the value of the apiDefault parameter. |
InvalidParamMapping | Parameters must be fully mapped. | 400 | The error message returned because the parameter mapping is invalid. | Specify a backend parameter for each request parameter. When you create an API, map each request parameter to a backend parameter. |
InvalidOwnerAccount | OwnerAccount is invalid. | 400 | The error message returned because the account of the app owner is invalid. | An invalid user ID of an Alibaba Cloud account is used when you perform authorization. Change the account of the app owner and try again. |
ServiceForbidden | Your Gateway service is forbidden by risk control. | 400 | The error message returned because the API Gateway service is denied by the risk control system. | Do not send a large number of requests in a short time. Try again later. |
ServiceUnOpen | Your Gateway service has not been opened. | 400 | The error message returned because API Gateway is not activated. | Activate API Gateway on the Alibaba Cloud International site. |
ServiceInDept | Your API Gateway service is in dept. | 400 | The error message returned because the API Gateway service has overdue payments. | Top up your account or settle the overdue payments. |
EqualSignature | The new signature is the same as the old. | 400 | The error message returned because the new backend signature key is the same as the previous one. | Modify the backend signature key. Make sure that the newly configured key-secret pair is different from the previous one. |
CertificateNotMatch | The domain does not match the one in the certificate. | 400 | The error message returned because the specified domain name does not match the domain name in the certificate. | Make sure that the specified domain name matches the domain name in the certificate. |
CertificateKeyNotMatch | The certificate private key does not match the public key. | 400 | The error message returned because the public and private keys in the certificate do not match. | Check the certificate and make sure that the public and private keys in the certificate match. |
PrivateKeyEncrypted | The certificate private key is encrypted, please upload the unencrypted version. | 400 | The error message returned because the private key of the certificate is encrypted. | Specify a private key that is not encrypted. |
CertificateSecretKeyError | The certificate private key is invalid. | 400 | The error message returned because the private key of the certificate is invalid. | Specify a valid private key. |
InvalidApiServiceAddress | The specified service address is not valid. | 400 | The error message returned because the specified IP address of the backend service is invalid. | Modify the configurations of the backend service. |
2.3 Common error codes for clients
The reported HTTP status code is 4XX, which indicates a business error and may be reported when you call APIs of Alibaba Cloud services. The business error can be an invalid request format, an incorrect request method, missing required parameters, an invalid parameter value format, an invalid signature, or an error due to throttling. Carefully view error information before you troubleshoot issues.
Scenario | Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Solution |
The specified API cannot be found. | InvalidApi.NotFound | Specified api is not found, please check your url and method. | 404 | Check whether the specified API operation name is valid. The name is case-sensitive. |
A required parameter is not specified. | Missing{ParameterName} | {ParameterName} is mandatory for this action. | 400 | Specify the required parameter. |
The AccessKey ID cannot be found. | InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | Specified access key is not found. | 404 | Check whether a valid AccessKey ID is used when you call the API. |
The AccessKey ID is disabled. | InvalidAccessKeyId.Inactive | Specified access key is disabled. | 400 | Check whether the AccessKey pair is available. |
The format of the date or timestamp is invalid. | InvalidTimeStamp.Format | Specified time stamp or date value is not well formatted. | 400 | Check the timestamp. |
The difference between the client time and server time exceeds 15 minutes. | InvalidTimeStamp.Expired | Specified time stamp or date value is expired. | 400 | Check the timestamp. |
The SignatureNonce value has been used. | SignatureNonceUsed | Specified signature nonce was used already. | 400 | |
The returned parameter value is in an invalid format. | InvalidParameter.Format | Specified parameter format is not valid. | 400 | Specify the parameter only in the XML or JSON format. |
The parameter value verification failed. | Invalid{ParameterName} | Specified parameter {ParameterName} is not valid. | 400 | Check the parameter value. |
The HTTP request method is not supported. | UnsupportedHTTPMethod | Specified signature is not matched with our calculation. | 400 | Check the request method. |
The signature method is not supported. | InvalidSignatureMethod | Specified signature method is not valid. | 400 | Specify an available signature method. This parameter can be left empty. |
The signature verification failed. | SignatureDoesNotMatch | Specified signature is not matched with our calculation. | 400 | Check the signature. |
The user-level call frequency exceeds the threshold. | Throttling.User | Request was denied due to user flow control. | 400 | Reduce the call frequency. |
The API-level call frequency exceeds the threshold. | Throttling.API | Request was denied due to api flow control. | 400 | Reduce the call frequency. |
The AccessKey ID is missing. | MissingSecurityToken | SecurityToken is mandatory for this action. | 400 | Check whether you specified a valid AccessKey ID. |