To send an Anti-DDoS Origin API request, you must send an HTTP GET request to the Anti-DDoS Origin endpoint. You must add the request parameters that correspond to the API operation being called. After you call the API operation, the system returns a response. The request and response are encoded in UTF-8.

Request structure

Anti-DDoS Origin API operations use the RPC protocol. You can call Anti-DDoS Origin API operations by sending HTTP or HTTPS GET requests. The request syntax:
  • Endpoint: the endpoint of the Anti-DDoS Origin API.
    EndpointSupported region
    • Regions in the Chinese mainland
      • China (Hangzhou): cn-hangzhou
      • China (Shanghai): cn-shanghai
      • China (Qingdao): cn-qingdao
      • China (Beijing): cn-beijing
      • China (Zhangjiakou-Beijing Winter Olympics): cn-zhangjiakou
      • China (Hohhot): cn-huhehaote
      • China (Ulanqab): cn-wulanchabu
      • China (Shenzhen): cn-shenzhen
      • China (Heyuan): cn-heyuan
      • China (Chengdu): cn-chengdu
    • Regions outside China
      • UK (London): eu-west-1
      • Germany (Frankfurt): eu-central-1
      • Japan (Tokyo): ap-northeast-1
      • Australia (Sydney): ap-southeast-2
      • Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): ap-southeast-3
      • Indonesia (Jakarta): ap-southeast-5
      • India (Mumbai): ap-south-1
      • UAE (Dubai): me-east-1
      • Russia (Moscow): rus-west-1 (Hong Kong): cn-hongkong
    ddosbgp.ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.comSingapore (Singapore): ap-southeast-1 (Silicon Valley): us-west-1 (Virginia): us-east-1
  • Action: the name of the operation being performed. For example, to query Anti-DDoS Origin instances, you must set the Action parameter to DescribeInstanceList.
  • Version: the version number of the API. Set the value to 2017-11-20.
  • Parameters: the request parameters for the operation. Separate multiple parameters with ampersands (&).

    Request parameters include both common parameters and operation-specific parameters. Common parameters contain information such as the version number of the API and identity authentication. For more information, see Common parameters.

The following example demonstrates how to call the DescribeInstanceList operation in Anti-DDoS Origin:
Note To improve readability, the API request is displayed in the following format:


To ensure the security of your account, we recommend that you use a RAM user to call Anti-DDoS Origin API operations. Before you use a RAM user to call Anti-DDoS Origin API operations, you must create and attach permission policies to the RAM user.

API signature

You must sign all API requests to ensure security. Alibaba Cloud uses the request signature to verify the identity of the API caller, regardless of an HTTP request or an HTTPS request.

You must add the signature to the Anti-DDoS Origin API request in the following format: