Beginning 00:00:00 (UTC+8) on February 25, 2021, Alibaba Cloud started discontinuing 2014 API. If your system uses 2014 API, we recommend that you upgrade to 2018 API at the earliest opportunity to prevent service unavailability. If you have feedback or questions, Submit a ticket to contact us.

Resource monitoring

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeDomainBpsData Queries the bandwidth data. DescribeDomainBpsData
DescribeDomainBpsDataByTimeStamp Queries the bandwidth data at a specified point in time for an accelerated domain name. DescribeDomainBpsDataByTimeStamp
DescribeDomainHitRateData Queries the byte hit ratios. Byte hit ratios are measured in percentage. DescribeDomainHitRateData
DescribeDomainHttpCodeData Queries the total number of HTTP status codes and the proportion of each HTTP status code. DescribeDomainHttpCodeData
DescribeDomainQpsData Queries the number of queries per second (QPS). Data is collected every 5 minutes. DescribeDomainQpsData
DescribeDomainReqHitRateData Queries the request hit ratios. Request hit ratios are measured in percentage. DescribeDomainReqHitRateData
DescribeDomainSrcBpsData Queries the bandwidth data during back-to-origin routing. DescribeDomainSrcBpsData
DescribeRangeDataByLocateAndIspService Queries the bandwidth data by Internet service provider (ISP) and region. DescribeRangeDataByLocateAndIspService
DescribeDomainSrcFlowData Queries the monitoring data of origin traffic. DescribeDomainSrcTrafficData
DescribeDomainFlowData Queries the monitoring data of network traffic. DescribeDomainTrafficData
DescribeDomainPathData Queries monitoring data including the amount of network traffic and the number of visits by path. Monitoring data is collected every 5 minutes. By default, this feature is no longer available in 2018 API. To use this feature, Submit a ticket.
DescribeExtensiveDomainData Queries the network monitoring data of a wildcard domain name. This feature is no longer available in 2018 API.
DescribeCdnMonitorData Queries the monitoring data of Alibaba Cloud CDN.

Real-time monitoring

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeDomainRealTimeBpsData Queries the bandwidth data of one or more accelerated domain names. Data is collected every minute. DescribeDomainRealTimeBpsData

Statistical analysis

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeDomainPvData Queries the number of page views (PVs) to an accelerated domain name. DescribeCdnReport
DescribeDomainUvData Queries the number of unique visitors (UVs) to an accelerated domain name.
DescribeDomainTopUrlVisit Queries frequently requested URLs.
DescribeDomainTopReferVisit Queries frequently requested web pages and sorts the web pages.
DescribeDomainRegionData Queries the distribution of users by region.
DescribeDomainISPData Queries the bandwidth values of different Internet service providers (ISPs) in different regions at a specified time point for an accelerated domain name.
DescribeTopDomainsByFlow Queries the top N accelerated domain names that are ranked by network traffic.
DescribeDomainFileSizeProportionData Queries the proportions of file sizes. This feature is no longer available in 2018 API.

Resource usage query

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeDomainsUsageByDay Queries the monitoring data of an accelerated domain name. Data is collected on a daily basis. DescribeDomainsUsageByDay

Domain name management

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
BatchSetCdnDomainConfig Configures one or more accelerated domain names. BatchSetCdnDomainConfig
SetCcConfig Configures protection against HTTP flood attacks.
SetForceRedirectConfig Configures the URL redirection feature.
SetHttpsOptionConfig Configures the HTTP 2.0 feature.
SetOptimizeConfig Configures the HTML optimization feature.
SetPageCompressConfig Configures the intelligent compression feature.
SetPathCacheExpiredConfig Configures the time-to-live (TTL) feature for a directory.
SetRefererConfig Configures a Referer whitelist or blacklist to prevent hotlinking.
SetReqAuthConfig Configures the access authentication feature.
SetReqHeaderConfig Configures a custom origin header.
SetSourceHostConfig Specifies an origin host for an accelerated domain name.
SetIpBlackListConfig Configures an IP address blacklist for an accelerated domain name.
SetHttpHeaderConfig Configures a custom HTTP header.
DeleteCacheExpiredConfig Deletes a custom caching policy. BatchDeleteCdnDomainConfig
AddCdnDomain Adds a domain name to Alibaba Cloud CDN. AddCdnDomain
DeleteCdnDomain Removes a domain name from Alibaba Cloud CDN. DeleteCdnDomain
DescribeCdnDomainDetail Queries the basic information about a specified accelerated domain name. DescribeCdnDomainDetail
DescribeDomainsBySource Queries domain names by origin server. DescribeDomainsBySource
DescribeUserDomains Queries information about the accelerated domain names of users. DescribeUserDomains
StartCdnDomain Enables a domain name. StartCdnDomain
StopCdnDomain Disables a domain name. StopCdnDomain
DescribeDomainConfigs Queries the configurations of an accelerated domain name. DescribeCdnDomainConfigs

Log management

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeCdnDomainLogs Queries the address where you can download offline logs of a specific domain name. DescribeCdnDomainLogs

Refresh and prefetch

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeCdnUserQuota Queries the quotas and usage of Alibaba Cloud CDN resources. DescribeCdnUserQuota
PreloadObjectCaches Prefetches content from origin servers to Alibaba Cloud CDN points of presence (POPs). PushObjectCache
PushObjectCache Refreshes files on Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs.
PurgeObjectCaches Refreshes the cached content on Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs. RefreshObjectCaches
RefreshObjectCaches Prefetches content from origin servers to Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs.
DescribeRefreshQuota Queries the quota of URLs and directories that can be refreshed and prefetched. DescribeRefreshQuota
DescribeRefreshTasks Queries the status of refresh or prefetch tasks. DescribeRefreshTasks

Service management

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeCdnRegionAndIsp Queries the most recent region and ISP lists. DescribeCdnRegionAndIsp
DescribeCdnService Queries the status of Alibaba Cloud CDN. DescribeCdnService
OpenCdnService Activates Alibaba Cloud CDN. OpenCdnService

Certificate management

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeDomainCertificateInfo Queries certificate information about an accelerated domain name. DescribeDomainCertificateInfo
SetDomainServerCertificate Enables or disables the certificate of a domain name. SetDomainServerCertificate

Auxiliary tools

2014 API operation Feature 2018 API operation
DescribeUserVipsByDomain Queries virtual IP addresses of Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs by domain name. DescribeUserVipsByDomain
DescribeIpInfo Checks whether an IP address belongs to an Alibaba Cloud CDN POP. DescribeIpInfo
DescribeL2VipsByDomain Queries the virtual IP addresses of POPs for a specific domain name. DescribeL2VipsByDomain
BlockObjectCaches Blocks specified URLs on Alibaba Cloud CDN POPs. By default, this feature is no longer available in 2018 API. To use this feature, Submit a ticket.

ApsaraVideo Live

The ApsaraVideo Live API operations that are included in 2014 API of Alibaba Cloud CDN are no longer included in 2018 API of Alibaba Cloud CDN. The features of these API operations are provided by Alibaba Cloud ApsaraVideo Live.

2014 API operation Feature ApsaraVideo Live API operation
DescribeLiveStreamTranscodeStreamNum Queries the number of transcoded streams in real time. DescribeLiveStreamTranscodeStreamNum
Note This operation is available only to users in the whitelist.
DescribeLiveStreamsFrameRateAndBitRateData Queries the frame rate and bitrate of a live stream in real time. DescribeLiveDomainFrameRateAndBitRateData
DeleteLivePullStreamInfo Deletes a stream pulling configuration. DeleteLivePullStreamInfoConfig
DescribeLiveStreamsPublishList Queries historical stream ingest records. DescribeLiveStreamsPublishList
DescribeLiveStreamRecordContent Queries live recordings. DescribeLiveStreamRecordContent
DescribeLiveStreamRecordIndexFile Queries all index files within a specific period of time. DescribeLiveStreamRecordIndexFile
DescribeLiveStreamSnapshotInfo Queries the snapshots that are captured within a specific period of time. DescribeLiveStreamSnapshotInfo
DescribeLivePullStreamConfig Queries the stream pulling configurations of a domain name. DescribeLivePullStreamConfig
AddLivePullStreamInfo Creates a configuration that triggers stream pulling. AddLivePullStreamInfoConfig
DescribeLiveStreamPushData Queries monitoring data of stream ingest quality. This feature is no longer available in ApsaraVideo Live API.
CreateLiveStreamRecordIndexFiles Creates an index file for a recording.
ResumeLiveStream Resumes the ingest of a live stream. ResumeLiveStream
ForbidLiveStream Disables the ingest of a live stream. ForbidLiveStream
DescribeLiveStreamsOnlineList Queries information about all active streams in a specified domain name. DescribeLiveStreamsOnlineList
DescribeLiveStreamRecordIndexFiles Queries all index files within a specific period of time. DescribeLiveStreamRecordIndexFiles
DescribeLiveStreamOnlineUserNum Queries the number of online users of all live streams under a main streaming domain. DescribeLiveDomainOnlineUserNum