Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage EDAS resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of EDAS that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AbortAndRollbackChangeOrder | Terminates a process and rolls back the application. |
AbortChangeOrder | Terminates a process. |
AddCnkitAuditLog | Adds audit logs of Cloud Native Kit (CNKIT). |
AddLogPath | Adds a log directory to an application. |
AddMockRule | Adds a simulation rule. |
AddServiceTimeConfig | Adds a timeout configuration for a Dubbo service. |
ApplyTemplate | Applies an application template. |
AuthorizeApplication | Grants a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions on one or more applications. |
AuthorizeRole | Assigns one or more roles to a RAM user. |
BatchUpdateController | Updates the version of a controller. |
BindEcsSlb | Binds a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance to an application that is deployed in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) cluster. |
BindK8sSlb | Binds an SLB instance to an application that is deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
BindSlb | Binds an SLB instance. |
ChangeDeployGroup | Changes an application instance group. |
CheckCnkitClusterSupport | Checks whether CNKIT is supported in a cluster. |
CheckCnkitNamespace | Queries the remote debugging status of the CNKIT microservice namespace. |
CheckCnkitPlugin | Queries the status of a CNKIT plug-in in a cluster. |
CheckNasMountAvailable | Checks whether the Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file system is mounted. |
CheckResourcePermission | Verifies the resource permissions of a RAM user. |
ContinuePipeline | Manually confirms the phased application release. |
Create | Purchases EDAS on the buy page. |
CreateApplicationScalingRule | Creates an auto scaling policy for an application. |
CreateApplicationTemplate | Creates an application template. |
CreateArmsApp | Creates an Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) application. |
CreateCnkitAuditSession | Creates a CNKIT session. |
CreateCnkitAuditTerminal | Creates a CNKIT terminal. |
CreateConfigTemplate | Creates a configuration template. |
CreateControllerConfig | Creates an upgrade configuration of a controller. |
CreateControllerVersion | Creates a version of a controller. |
CreateEnvAppGroup | Creates an instance group for the canary release. |
CreateEnvHsfTrafficControl | Creates a High-speed Service Framework (HSF) traffic rule. |
CreateEnvironment | Creates an environment. |
CreateEnvironmentConfig | Creates an environment configuration. |
CreateFeature | Adds a feature to a controller. |
CreateGrayEnvironment | Creates a canary release environment. |
CreateIDCImportCommand | Generates a command that is used to import instances to an ECS instance cluster outside Alibaba Cloud. |
CreateImageBuilderJob | Creates an image building job. |
CreateK8sConfigMap | Creates a configuration item for an ACK cluster. |
CreateK8sIngressRule | Creates an inbound traffic rule for an ACK cluster. |
CreateK8sNamespace | Creates a namespace for an ACK cluster. |
CreateK8sSecret | Creates a Secret for an ACK cluster. |
CreateK8sService | Creates an application service in an ACK cluster. |
CreateModule | Creates a lifecycle management (CLM) module. |
CreateNasMount | Creates a mount point for the NAS file system. |
CreateSelfSignedCertificate | Creates a self-signed certificate. |
CreateTrafficRule | Creates a traffic rule. |
DeleteApplication | Deletes an application instance. |
DeleteApplicationScalingRule | Deletes an auto scaling policy for an application. |
DeleteAppTemplateInstance | Deletes an application template. |
DeleteCluster | Deletes a cluster. |
DeleteClusterMember | Deletes an instance from a cluster. |
DeleteConfigCenter | Deletes a configuration center. |
DeleteConfigTemplate | Deletes a configuration template. |
DeleteControllerConfig | Deletes the upgrade configuration of a controller. |
DeleteControllerVersion | Deletes the version of a controller. |
DeleteDegradeControl | Deletes a degradation configuration. |
DeleteDeployGroup | Deletes an application instance group. |
DeleteEcu | Deletes a specified elastic compute unit (ECU). |
DeleteEnvironmentConfig | Deletes the environment configuration. |
DeleteFeature | Deletes a feature of a CLM module. |
DeleteGrayInstance | Deletes an instance for the canary release. |
DeleteK8sApplication | Deletes an application. |
DeleteK8sConfigMap | Deletes a configuration item for an ACK cluster. |
DeleteK8sIngressRule | Deletes an inbound traffic rule for an ACK cluster. |
DeleteK8sSecret | Deletes a Secret for an ACK cluster. |
DeleteK8sService | Deletes an application service in an ACK cluster. |
DeleteModule | Deletes a module. |
DeleteRole | Deletes a role. |
DeleteServiceAuthorization | Deletes an authorization policy. |
DeleteServiceGroup | Deletes a service group. |
DeleteServiceTimeConfig | Deletes a timeout configuration of a Dubbo service. |
DeleteSwimmingLane | Deletes a lane. |
DeleteTrafficRule | Deletes a traffic rule. |
DeleteUserDefineRegion | Deletes a specified custom namespace. |
DeployApplication | Deploys an application in an ECS cluster. |
DeployK8sApplication | Deploys an application in an ACK cluster. |
DescribeAppInstanceList | Queries application instances in an ACK cluster. |
DescribeApplicationScalingRules | Queries auto scaling policies for an application. |
DescribeImageBuilderJobStatus | Queries the status of an image building job. |
DescribeLocalitySetting | Queries the local configuration of microservice governance. |
DescribeOamPopStsToken |
DescribeRegions | Queries the regions in which EDAS is available. |
DisableApplicationScalingRule | Disables an auto scaling policy for an application. |
DisableMockRule | Disables a simulation rule. |
EdasProduce |
EdasRefund | Requests a refund. |
EnableApplicationScalingRule | Enables an auto scaling policy for an application. |
EnableMockRule | Enables a simulation rule. |
ExecuteStatus | Queries the update status of microservice governance. |
GetAccountInfo | Queries the account information. |
GetAccountMockRule | Queries the simulation rules of an account. |
GetAppDeployment | Queries the deployment information about an application in an ACK cluster. |
GetApplication | Queries the information about an application. |
GetAppTemplate | Queries an application template. |
GetAppTemplateInstance | Queries the details of an application template. |
GetChangeOrderInfo | Queries the details of a process. |
GetCluster | Queries the information about a cluster. |
GetClusterControllerVersion | Queries the version of a controller. |
GetCnkitAuditLog | Queries audit logs of CNKIT. |
GetCnkitAuditSession | Queries a CNKIT session. |
GetCnkitAuditTerminal | Queries a CNKIT terminal. |
GetCnkitAuthCode | Queries the CNKIT authorization code. |
GetCnkitEntrypoint | Queries the entry point of a CNKIT plug-in. |
GetContainerConfiguration | Queries Tomcat configuration information about an application or an application instance group. |
GetControllerVersion | Queries the version of a controller. |
GetDubboTestMethod | Queries the Dubbo test method. |
GetEnvironment | Queries the environment information. |
GetEnvironmentAppConfig | Queries the application configuration of the environment. |
GetFeature | Queries a feature of a controller. |
GetGrayEnvironments | Queries the information about the canary release environment. |
GetJavaStartUpConfig | Queries the configuration of Java startup parameters for an application. |
GetJvmConfiguration | Queries the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) settings of an application or an application instance group. |
GetK8sApplication | Queries the information about an application in an ACK cluster. |
GetK8sAppPrecheckResult | Queries the precheck result of an application in an ACK cluster. |
GetK8sCluster | Queries ACK clusters in a region. |
GetK8sClusterKubeConfig | Queries the configuration of an ACK cluster. |
GetK8sServices | Queries application services in an ACK cluster. |
GetK8sStorageInfo | Queries the storage information about an ACK cluster. |
GetMockRuleById | Queries a simulation rule by ID. |
GetMockRuleByProviderAppId | Queries the applications that use a simulation rule. |
GetModule | Queries the status of a CLM module. |
GetOneConsoleIndex | Queries the console index. |
GetPackageStorageCredential | Queries the Security Token Service (STS) tokens that are required for temporary storage. |
GetScalingRules | Queries scaling rules. |
GetSecureToken | Queries the security token information about a specified namespace. |
GetServerlessAppConfigDetail | Queries the details of an aplication in a ACK Serverless cluster. |
GetServiceAuthorization | Queries the authorization information. |
GetServiceConsumersPage | Queries microservice consumers. |
GetServiceDetail | Queries service details. |
GetServiceList | Queries microservices. |
GetServiceListPage | Queries microservices by page. |
GetServiceMethodPage | Query microservice call methods. |
GetServiceProvidersPage | Queries microservice providers. |
GetSlbAclList | Queries SLB access control lists (ACLs). |
GetSpringCloudTestMethod | Queries the Spring Cloud test method. |
GetSubAccountInfo | Queries the RAM user information. |
GetTemplate | Queries the details of an application template. |
GetWebContainerConfig | Queries the Tomcat configuration of an application. |
ImportK8sCluster | Imports an ACK cluster to EDAS. |
InsertApplication | Creates an application in an ECS cluster. |
InsertAppShareToken | Adds an application share password. |
InsertCluster | Creates a cluster. |
InsertClusterMember | Imports ECS instances to an ECS cluster. |
InsertConfigCenter | Adds a configuration center. |
InsertDeployGroup | Creates an application instance group. |
InsertGrayInstance | Adds an instance to the canary release environment. |
InsertK8sApplication | Creates an application in an ACK cluster. |
InsertOrUpdateRegion | Creates or updates a custom namespace. |
InsertRole | Creates a role. |
InsertServiceAuthorization | Creates an authorization policy. |
InsertServiceGroup | Creates a service group. |
InsertSwimmingLane | Creates a lane. |
InsertSwimmingLaneGroup | Creates a lane group. |
InstallAgent | Installs the EDAS agent. |
ListAlb | Queries Application Load Balancer (ALB) instances. |
ListAliyunRegion | Queries the regions in which EDAS is available. |
ListApplication | Queries applications. |
ListApplicationEcc | Queries elastic compute containers (ECCs) for an application. |
ListApplicationEcu | Queries ECUs for an application. |
ListAuthority | Queries all the permissions granted to a role. |
ListBuildPack | Queries container versions. |
ListCluster | Queries clusters. |
ListClusterEvents | Queries cluster-related events. |
ListClusterMembers | Queries ECS instances in a cluster by cluster ID. |
ListClustersInVersion | Queries clusters of a specified version. |
ListComponents | Queries the components related to applications in ECS clusters in a region. |
ListConfigCenters | Queries configuration centers. |
ListConfigTemplates | Queries configuration templates. |
ListConsumedServices | Queries the services that are consumed. |
ListControllerConfig | Queries the configuration of a controller. |
ListControllerVersions | Queries the versions of a controller. |
ListConvertableEcu | Queries the ECS instances that can be imported to a specified cluster. |
ListCSBGateway | Queries gateways. |
ListDeployGroup | Queries application instance groups. |
ListEcsNotInCluster | Queries all the ECS instances that are not imported to a cluster. |
ListEcuByRegion | Queries available ECUs in a specified namespace. |
ListFeatures | Queries the features of a controller. |
ListFlowControls | Queries throttling rules. |
ListHistoryDeployVersion | Queries historical deployment packages of an application. |
ListK8sConfigMaps | Queries configuration items for an ACK cluster. |
ListK8sIngressRules | Queries inbound traffic rules for an ACK cluster. |
ListK8sNamespaces | Queries namespaces for an ACK cluster. |
ListK8sPvc | Queries virtual private clouds (VPCs) for an ACK cluster. |
ListK8sResources | Queries the resources of an ACK cluster. |
ListK8sSecrets | Queries the Secrets of an ACK cluster. |
ListMethods | Queries service call methods. |
ListOperationLogs | Queries operation logs. |
ListPublishedServices | Queries released services. |
ListRecentChangeOrder | Queries the processes of an application. |
ListResourceAuth | Queries RAM user permissions. |
ListResourceGroup | Queries resource groups. |
ListRole | Queries roles. |
ListRootStacks | Queries the root technology stacks of the runtime environments for applications. |
ListScaleOutEcu | Queries ECUs that are available for scaling out an application. |
ListServiceGroups | Queries service groups. |
ListSlb | Queries SLB instances. |
ListStatus | Queries the status of applications of a user. |
ListSubAccount | Queries RAM users. |
ListSwimmingLane | Queries lanes. |
ListSwimmingLaneGroup | Queries lane groups. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to a resource. |
ListTemplates | Queries application templates. |
ListUserDefineRegion | Queries custom namespaces. |
ListVpc | Queries VPCs. |
ManageCnkitEntrypoint | Updates the entry point of the CNKIT plug-in. |
ManageCnkitNamespace | Modifies the remote debugging status of the CNKIT microservice namespace. |
ManageCnkitPlugin | Manages CNKIT plug-ins. |
MigrateK8sApp | Imports an application to or exports an application from an ACK cluster. |
Modify | Modifies the configurations of EDAS on the buy page. |
ModifyScalingRule | Reconfigures a scaling rule. |
MoveResourceGroup | Moves a specified EDAS resource to an existing resource group. |
PublishResourceChangeEvent | Publishes a resource change event. |
PutPandoraMeasureData | Queries the usage of the Pandora container. |
QueryApplicationStatus | Queries the status of an application. |
QueryConfigCenter | Queries the information about a configuration center. |
QueryEccInfo | Queries the detailed information about an ECC. |
QueryK8sClusterLogProjectInfo | Queries the information about the Log Service project for an ACK cluster. |
QueryMigrateEcuList | Queries instances that can be migrated. |
QueryMigrateRegionList | Queries the namespaces to which an instance can be migrated. |
QueryMonitorInfo | Queries the monitoring information. |
QueryOutlierPolicy | Queries the policy that is used to remove an instance from a cluster. |
QueryRegionConfig | Queries the configurations for different regions that are supported by EDAS. |
QueryServiceTimeConfig | Queries a timeout configurations of a Dubbo service. |
QuerySlsLogStoreList | Queries the configuration details of Log Service for an application. |
RemoveMockRule | Deletes a simulation rule. |
Renew | Renews an instance or a resource plan. |
ReportMetadata | Reports microservice metadata. |
ResetApplication | Resets an application. |
RestartApplication | Restarts an application. |
RestartK8sApplication | Restarts an application in an ACK cluster. |
RetryChangeOrderTask | Retries a failed process. |
RollbackApplication | Rolls back an application. |
RollbackChangeOrder | Rolls back a process. |
ScaleInApplication | Scales in an application. |
ScaleK8sApplication | Scales out or in an application in an ACK cluster. |
ScaleOutApplication | Scales out an application. |
ScaleoutApplicationWithNewInstances | Purchases ECS instances in the EDAS console and adds the purchased ECS instances to the specified application instance group. |
StartApplication | Starts an application. |
StartK8sApplication | Starts an application in an ACK cluster. |
StartK8sAppPrecheck | Starts a change precheck for an application in an ACK cluster. |
StartS2iBuild | Starts a Source-to-Image (S2I) build job. |
StopApplication | Stops an application. |
StopK8sApplication | Stops an application in an ACK cluster. |
SwitchAdvancedMonitoring | Enables the advanced application monitoring feature. |
SynchronizeResource | Synchronizes the basic resources of Alibaba Cloud to EDAS. |
TagResources | Adds tags to a resource. |
TransformClusterMember | Imports or migrates one or more ECS instances to a cluster. |
UnbindK8sSlb | Unbinds an SLB instance from an application in an ACK cluster. |
UnbindSlb | Unbinds an SLB instance. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from a resource. |
UpdateAccountInfo | Updates the account information |
UpdateApplicationBaseInfo | Changes the name of an application. |
UpdateApplicationScalingRule | Updates an auto scaling policy for an application. |
UpdateClusterControllerVersion | Updates the version of a controller. |
UpdateConfigTemplate | Updates a configuration template. |
UpdateContainer | Updates the EDAS Container version of an application. |
UpdateContainerConfiguration | Configures the Tomcat container for an application or application instance group. |
UpdateControllerDefaultVersion | Updates the default version of a controller. |
UpdateEnvironmentConfig | Updates an environment configuration. |
UpdateFeature | Updates a feature of a controller. |
UpdateHealthCheckUrl | Changes the health check URL for an application. |
UpdateHookConfiguration | Mounts a script to an application or application instance group. |
UpdateJvmConfiguration | Reconfigures the JVM parameters for an application or an application instance group. |
UpdateK8sApplicationBaseInfo | Modifies basic information about an application in an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sApplicationConfig | Modifies the configuration of an application in a cluster. |
UpdateK8sConfigMap | Updates a configuration item for an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sIngressRule | Updates an inbound traffic rule for an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sResource | Updates a specified resource for an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sSecret | Updates a Secret for an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sService | Updates an application service in an ACK cluster. |
UpdateK8sSlb | Updates the SLB instance that is bound to an application in an ACK cluster. |
UpdateLocalitySetting | Updates the local configuration of microservice governance. |
UpdateMockRule | Updates a simulation rule. |
UpdateRole | Updates a role. |
UpdateSlsLogStore | Reconfigures Log Service for an application. |
UpdateSwimmingLane | Updates a lane. |
UpdateSwimmingLaneGroup | Updates a lane group. |
UpdateSwimmingLanePriority | Changes the priority of a lane. |
ValidateK8sResource | Verifies the resources of an ACK cluster. |