Queries information about a specified workflow.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request syntax

GET /gs/workflow/workflowName HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Table 1. Request path parameters
Parameter Type Required Example Description
workflowName String Yes mapping-gpu-mhhgh

The name of the workflow that you want to query.

Response syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "create_time" : "String",
  "duration" : "String",
  "finish_time" : "String",
  "input_data_size" : "String",
  "job_name" : "String",
  "job_namespace" : "String",
  "output_data_size" : "String",
  "status" : "String",
  "total_bases" : "String",
  "total_reads" : "String",
  "user_input_data" : "String"

Response parameters

Table 2. Response body parameters
Parameter Type Example Description
create_time String 2020-01-15 16:30:25 +0800 CST

The time when the workflow was created.

duration String 1h15m33.529968361s

The duration of the workflow.

finish_time String 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

The time when the workflow ended.

input_data_size String 0

The size of the input data.

job_name String wgs-gpu-97xfn

The name of the workflow.

job_namespace String 1171330362041663

The namespace to which the workflow belongs.

output_data_size String 0

The size of the output data.

status String Running

The current state of the workflow.

total_bases String 0

The number of base pairs.

total_reads String 0

The number of reads.

user_input_data String {\"wgs_oss_region\":\"cn-shenzhen\",\"wgs_fastq_first_name\":\"fastq/huada/MGISEQ-200019SZ0002402\",\"wgs_fastq_second_name\":\"fastq/huada/MGISEQ-200019SZ0002402\",\"wgs_bucket_name\":\"gene-shenzhen\",\"wgs_vcf_file_name\":\"output/vcf/huada.vcf\",\"wgs_bam_file_name\":\"output/bam/huada.bam\",\"wgs_reference_file\":\"hg19\",\"wgs_service\":\"g\"}

The user input parameters.


GET /gs/workflow/mapping-gpu-mhhgh HTTP/1.1

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

<create_time>2020-01-15 16:30:25 +0800 CST</create_time>
<finish_time>0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC</finish_time>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "create_time" : "2020-01-15 16:30:25 +0800 CST",
  "duration" : "1h15m33.529968361s",
  "finish_time" : "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
  "input_data_size" : "0",
  "job_name" : "wgs-gpu-97xfn",
  "job_namespace" : "1171330362041663",
  "output_data_size" : "0",
  "status" : "Running",
  "total_bases" : "0",
  "total_reads" : "0",
  "user_input_data" : "{\\\"wgs_oss_region\\\":\\\"cn-shenzhen\\\",\\\"wgs_fastq_first_name\\\":\\\"fastq/huada/MGISEQ-200019SZ0002402\\\",\\\"wgs_fastq_second_name\\\":\\\"fastq/huada/MGISEQ-200019SZ0002402\\\",\\\"wgs_bucket_name\\\":\\\"gene-shenzhen\\\",\\\"wgs_vcf_file_name\\\":\\\"output/vcf/huada.vcf\\\",\\\"wgs_bam_file_name\\\":\\\"output/bam/huada.bam\\\",\\\"wgs_reference_file\\\":\\\"hg19\\\",\\\"wgs_service\\\":\\\"g\\\"}"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.