Database Autonomy Service (DAS) offers storage management features. If you use the storage management features for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL databases, certain databases or tables may fail to be displayed. The possible cause is that the database account that you authorize to DAS does not have the permissions to execute the SELECT statement on these databases or tables.

View permissions

  • Run the command to check whether a database account has the permissions. In the following example, the name of the database account is das_test@'%': show grants for das_test@'%';. The command output indicates whether the database account has the permissions to execute the SELECT statement on these databases or tables.
  • Use the account management feature in the ApsaraDB RDS console to check whether the database account has the permissions to execute the SELECT statement on these databases or tables.


  • If you have a privileged account, run the Grant command to grant the database account the permissions. Example: Grant Select on database_name.* to das_test@'%';.
  • If you do not have a privileged account, use the account management feature in the ApsaraDB RDS console to grant the database account the read-only permissions.