This topic describes how to create multiple Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances at a time by using Terraform.


Before you begin, ensure that you have completed the following operations:


  1. Create a VPC and a VSwitch.
    1. Create the file, enter the following content, and save the file to the current working directory.
      resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {
        name       = "tf_test_foo"
        cidr_block = ""
      resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw" {
        vpc_id            =
        cidr_block        = ""
        availability_zone = "cn-beijing-b"
    2. Run the terraform apply command to create the VPC and VSwitch.
    3. Run the terraform show command to view the created VPC and VSwitch.

      You can also log on to the VPC console to view the attributes of the VPC and VSwitch.

  2. Create a security group in the VPC created in the previous step, and add a security group rule to allow access from all IP addresses.
    1. In, add the following content:
      resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
        name = "default"
        vpc_id =
      resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_all_tcp" {
        type              = "ingress"
        ip_protocol       = "tcp"
        nic_type          = "intranet"
        policy            = "accept"
        port_range        = "1/65535"
        priority          = 1
        security_group_id =
        cidr_ip           = ""
    2. Run the terraform apply command to create the security group and add the security group rule.
    3. Run the terraform show command to view the created security group and added security group rule.

      You can also log on to the ECS console to view the security group and security group rule.

  3. Use a module to create multiple ECS instances. In this example, three ECS instances are created.
    1. In, add the following content:
      module "tf-instances" {
        source = "alibaba/ecs-instance/alicloud"
        vswitch_id =
        group_ids = []
        private_ips = ["","",""]
        availability_zone = "cn-beijing-b"
        disk_category = "cloud_ssd"
        disk_name = "my_module_disk"
        disk_size = "50"
        number_of_disks = 7
        internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
        instance_name = "my_module_instances_"
        host_name = "sample"
        internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"
        number_of_instances = "3"
      Note In the preceding example, Internet_max_bandwidth_out is set to 10. Therefore, the ECS instances are assigned public IP addresses automatically. For a detailed description of the parameters, see Parameter description.
    2. Run the terraform apply command to create the ECS instances.
    3. Run the terraform show command to view the created ECS instances.
    4. Run the ssh root@<publicip> command and enter the password to access the ECS instances.


provider "alicloud" {}

resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {
  name       = "tf_test_foo"
  cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw" {
  vpc_id            =
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = "cn-beijing-b"

resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
  name = "default"
  vpc_id =

resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_all_tcp" {
  type              = "ingress"
  ip_protocol       = "tcp"
  nic_type          = "intranet"
  policy            = "accept"
  port_range        = "1/65535"
  priority          = 1
  security_group_id =
  cidr_ip           = ""

module "tf-instances" {
  source = "alibaba/ecs-instance/alicloud"
  vswitch_id =
  group_ids = []
  private_ips = ["","",""]
  availability_zone = "cn-beijing-b"
  disk_category = "cloud_ssd"
  disk_name = "my_module_disk"
  disk_size = "50"
  number_of_disks = 7
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
  instance_name = "my_module_instances_"
  host_name = "sample"
  internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"
  number_of_instances = "3"