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:SDK for Python

Last Updated:Jul 10, 2023

The recording file recognition service provides an SDK for Python. This topic describes how to install the SDK for Python and provides sample code for you to use the SDK.


  • You understand how the SDK works. For more information, see Overview.

  • Intelligent Speech Interaction 2.0 is activated. The AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account are obtained. For more information, see Activate Intelligent Speech Interaction. The SDK in this topic applies only to Intelligent Speech Interaction 2.0.

SDK description

In the Python demo of the recording file recognition service, the CommonRequest method of Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python is used to send Alibaba Cloud pctowap open platform (POP) API requests in a remote procedure call (RPC) style. You can send a recording file recognition request and query the recording file recognition result.

For more information about Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python, see Use the SDK for Python.

For more information about how to use the CommonRequest method of Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python, see Use CommonRequest.

SDK installation

You only need to install the core library of Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python.

You can run a pip command or download an SDK package from GitHub to install Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python. Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python supports the following Python versions:

  • Python 2.6 or later

  • Python 2.7 or later

  • Python 3 or later

We recommend that you run a pip command to install Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python.

You can run the following pip command to install Alibaba Cloud SDK for Python V2.13.3:

pip install aliyun-python-sdk-core==2.13.3

Call procedure

  1. Create and initialize an AcsClient instance.

  2. Create a recording file recognition request and set request parameters.

  3. Send the recording file recognition request and process the response that the server returns to obtain the task ID.

  4. Create a query request for the recording file recognition result and specify the task ID.

  5. Poll the recognition result.

Sample code


Download the nls-sample-16k.wav file.

The recording file is a pulse-code modulation (PCM) encoded file with an audio sampling rate of 16,000 Hz. The demo uses a universal model in the Intelligent Speech Interaction console. If you use your own recording file, specify its audio coding format and audio sampling rate and select an appropriate model in the Intelligent Speech Interaction console. For more information about model setting, see Manage projects.

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import json
import time
from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ClientException
from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ServerException
from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
from aliyunsdkcore.request import CommonRequest
def fileTrans(akId, akSecret, appKey, fileLink) :
    # The constant parameters, such as the region ID. Do not modify their values.
    REGION_ID = "ap-southeast-1"
    PRODUCT = "nls-filetrans"
    DOMAIN = ""
    API_VERSION = "2019-08-23"
    POST_REQUEST_ACTION = "SubmitTask"
    GET_REQUEST_ACTION = "GetTaskResult"
    # The request parameters.
    KEY_APP_KEY = "appkey"
    KEY_FILE_LINK = "file_link"
    KEY_VERSION = "version"
    KEY_ENABLE_WORDS = "enable_words"
    # The parameter that specifies whether to enable automatic track splitting.
    KEY_AUTO_SPLIT = "auto_split"
    # The response parameters.
    KEY_TASK = "Task"
    KEY_TASK_ID = "TaskId"
    KEY_STATUS_TEXT = "StatusText"
    KEY_RESULT = "Result"
    # The status values.
    # Create an AcsClient instance.
    client = AcsClient(akId, akSecret, REGION_ID)
    # Create and send a recording file recognition request.
    postRequest = CommonRequest()
    # Specify the version of the recording file recognition service. If you are a new user, set this parameter to 4.0. If you use the default version 2.0, comment out this parameter.
    # Specify whether to return the recognition results of words. Default value: False. This parameter takes effect only when the KEY_VERSION parameter is set to 4.0.
    task = {KEY_APP_KEY : appKey, KEY_FILE_LINK : fileLink, KEY_VERSION : "4.0", KEY_ENABLE_WORDS : False}
    # Specify whether to enable automatic track splitting. You can set the KEY_AUTO_SPLIT parameter to True to enable automatic track splitting.
    # task = {KEY_APP_KEY : appKey, KEY_FILE_LINK : fileLink, KEY_VERSION : "4.0", KEY_ENABLE_WORDS : False, KEY_AUTO_SPLIT : True}
    task = json.dumps(task)
    postRequest.add_body_params(KEY_TASK, task)
    taskId = ""
    try :
        postResponse = client.do_action_with_exception(postRequest)
        postResponse = json.loads(postResponse)
        print (postResponse)
        statusText = postResponse[KEY_STATUS_TEXT]
        if statusText == STATUS_SUCCESS :
            print ("The recording file recognition request is successful.")
            taskId = postResponse[KEY_TASK_ID]
        else :
            print ("The recording file recognition request fails.")
    except ServerException as e:
        print (e)
    except ClientException as e:
        print (e)
    # Create a CommonRequest object and specify the task ID.
    getRequest = CommonRequest()
    getRequest.add_query_param(KEY_TASK_ID, taskId)
    # Send the query request for the recording file recognition result.
    # Poll the recognition result until the status message that the server returns is SUCCESS, SUCCESS_WITH_NO_VALID_FRAGMENT,
    # or an error message.
    statusText = ""
    while True :
        try :
            getResponse = client.do_action_with_exception(getRequest)
            getResponse = json.loads(getResponse)
            print (getResponse)
            statusText = getResponse[KEY_STATUS_TEXT]
            if statusText == STATUS_RUNNING or statusText == STATUS_QUEUEING :
                # Continue the polling.
            else :
                # End the polling.
        except ServerException as e:
            print (e)
        except ClientException as e:
            print (e)
    if statusText == STATUS_SUCCESS :
        print ("The recording file is recognized.")
    else :
        print ("Failed to recognize the recording file.")
accessKeyId = "Your AccessKey ID"
accessKeySecret = "Your AccessKey secret"
appKey = "Your appkey"
fileLink = ""
# Start the recording file recognition task.
fileTrans(accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, appKey, fileLink)