Security Control allows you to configure the access whitelist.

Background information

Access from source IP addresses in the access whitelist to target hosts is not restricted by Security Control, even if the access may create risks. Therefore, be cautious when adding IP addresses to the access whitelist.
Note The access from an IP address is allowed within 10 minutes after it is added to the access whitelist.


  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Security Control console.
    Note Move your cursor to the account icon in the upper-right corner of the Alibaba Cloud console, and click Security Console to go to the Alibaba Cloud Security Control console.
  2. Choose Whitelist > Access Whitelist. On the page that is displayed, click Add.
  3. Enter a source IP address (that does not belong to the current Alibaba Cloud account). Select ECS instances that belong to the current Alibaba Cloud account from the list on the left, and click the right arrow button to add the selected ECS instances to the list on the right. Then, click OK. This adds the source IP address to the access whitelist for the selected ECS instances. Once added, no access actions by the source IP address to the target ECS instances are restricted by Security Control.
  4. After the source IP address is added to the access whitelist, you can view the whitelist record on the Access Whitelist page. Select the whitelist record and click Invalid to remove the source IP address from the access whitelist. Access from this source IP address will be restricted by Security Control again.
    Note If a source IP address has been removed from the access whitelist, you need to re-add it to the access whitelist to allow its access.