This topic describes how to use the CHECK TABLE statement.

CHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors, especially the tables that failed to be created by executing DDL statements.

  • For a sharded table, CHECK TABLE checks whether the underlying physical table shards are complete and whether the columns and indexes of each underlying physical table shard are consistent.
  • For a single-database non-sharded table, CHECK TABLE checks whether the table exists.


CHECK TABLE tbl_name         


mysql>  check table tddl_mgr_log;
| TABLE                  | OP    | MSG_TYPE | MSG_TEXT |
| TDDL5_APP.tddl_mgr_log | check | status   | OK       |
1 row in set (0.56 sec)
mysql> check table tddl_mg;
| TABLE             | OP    | MSG_TYPE | MSG_TEXT                               |
| TDDL5_APP.tddl_mg | check | Error    | Table 'tddl5_00.tddl_mg' doesn't exist |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)