This topic describes all API operations that are used to manage Time Series Database (TSDB) instances and the parameters of the enumeration type. For more information about the API operations, see API operations for TSDB management.

Parameter of the enumeration type Example Description
InstanceClass tsdb.1x.basic The specification of the instance.
InstanceStatus CREATING ("CREATING", 0, "Creating") ACTIVATION ("ACTIVATION", 1, "Running") DELETED ("DELETED", 8, "Deleted") None
ChargeType PREPAY, POSTPAY The billing method. Valid values: PREPAY and POSTPAY.
AggregatorType count, sum, avg, min, max The type of the aggregation.
DownSampleTime 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 12h, 24h The time interval for downsampling.
DeletionJobStatus SUBMITTED (Submitted), STARTED (Running), FINISHED (Completed), FAILED (Failed) The status of the data deletion task.
DeletionJobType DATA (Data), META (Timeline) The type of the data deletion task.

List of API operations for TSDB management

Operation Description
CreateHiTSDBInstance Creates an instance.
DeleteHiTSDBInstance Deletes an instance.
ModifyHiTSDBInstanceClass Modifies the specification of a TSDB instance. Only shared instances support the change of specifications or the extension of storage capacity.
DescribeRegions Queries available regions.
DescribeHiTSDBInstanceList Queries TSDB instances.
DescribeHiTSDBInstance Queries detailed information about an instance.
ModifyHiTSDBInstanceSecurityIpList Modifies the IP address whitelist of an instance.
RestartHiTSDBInstance Restarts an instance.
RenameHiTSDBInstanceAlias Changes the alias of an instance.
DeleteHiTSDBInstanceData Deletes the data of an instance.
DescribeHiTSDBInstanceDataTtl Queries the time-to-live (TTL) of the data in an instance.
ExploreHiTSDBInstanceDataMetricList Queries the metrics of an instance.
ExploreHiTSDBInstanceDataTagKeyList Queries the tag keys of an instance.
ExploreHiTSDBInstanceDataTagValueList Queries the tag values of an instance.
ExploreHiTSDBInstanceData Queries the time series data of an instance.
ExploreHiTSDBInstanceDeletionJobList Queries data deletion records based on the JobType parameter. The JobType parameter can be set to DATA and META.
UpdateHiTSDBInstanceDataTtl Updates the TTL of the data in an instance.