The server end of Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for HBase is customized by Alibaba Cloud, but the client is fully compatible with the community edition. However, we provide a dedicated HBase client based on the features of Alibaba Cloud products and make it open source. The Maven JAR package is uploaded to the Maven central repository, which means that you can download and use it anywhere. We do not change any syntax, but just provide some features and facilitate operations and maintenance. You can use the client provided by Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for HBase or open source client provided by the community.

Notes: 1. To access ApsaraDB for HBase over the Internet, you must use the client provided by Alibaba Cloud. To access HBase Performance-enhanced Edition, you must use the client provided by Alibaba Cloud or an additional plug-in. For more information, see Install the SDK for Java.

You can use the following methods to obtain the client of ApsaraDB for HBase:

Maven dependency

The ApsaraDB for HBase client of version 1.x corresponds to the HBase cluster of version 1.x. The ApsaraDB for HBase client of version 2.x corresponds to the HBase cluster of version 2.x. We recommend that you do not connect an HBase client of version 1.x to an HBase server of version 2.x unless you cannot upgrade the client. If you connect an HBase server of version 1.x by using an HBase client of version 2.x, compatibility issues may occur.

ApsaraDB for HBase version 1.x


ApsaraDB for HBase version 2.x


Download the tar package

Tar package:



Release notes of clients

ApsaraDB for HBase version 1.x

  • 1.1.1
    • Use version 1.8 for compilation.
    • Supports hybrid access such as Internet access and classic network access to a VPC network. You must configure the domain name provided by Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for HBase.
  • 1.1.2

    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Hbase-client supports both guava12.0.1 and guava22.0 packages. Currently, the default dependency of hbase-client is guava12.0.1. You can remove the dependency as follows and then specify the guava dependency.
  • 1.1.3
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Optimized the Internet access feature to support access to multiple clusters over the Internet. For example, you can use CopyTable to synchronize data between two ApsaraDB for HBase clusters over the Internet.
    • . Fixed dependency compatibility issues for the Phoenix interface.
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Based on the latest version 1.1.3 that is without security capability, ApsaraDB for HBase for Solr client module is supported.
    • Note that this version only supports the wget tar package. It is used for the command line operations of HBase for Solr. You can still use the jar package of version 1.1.3 for other HBase API operations.
  • 1.1.4
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Supported exporting data to OSS.
    • Note that this version only supports the wget tar package.
  • 1.1.5
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • The HAS security feature is supported. Use the jdk8 runtime environment for security because the HAS security function only supports jdk8.
    • Note that this version only supports the wget tar package.
  • 1.1.6
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Added the HBase for Solr index management module.
    • Note that this version only supports the wget tar package.
  • 1.1.8
    • Use version 1.7 for compilation.
    • Fixed the bugs caused by OOM (Out Of Memory) errors in clients.
  • 1.1.9
    • Supported connecting to ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition.
  • 1.1.10
    • Supported connecting to the primary and secondary nodes in the same region.

HBase of version 2.x

  • 2.0.0
    • Use version 1.8 for compilation.
    • Supported connecting to HBase version 2.0.0 over the Internet.
  • 2.0.1
    • Use version 1.8 for compilation.
    • Supported the HAS security feature.
    • Note that this version only supports the wget tar package.
  • 2.0.2
    • Use version 1.8 for compilation.
    • The HAS security feature is no longer supported.
    • Hot and cold data separation is optimized to make the automatic synchronization process transparent to applications.
  • 2.0.3
    • Use version 1.8 for compilation.
    • Fixed the bugs caused by missing dependencies.
  • 2.0.4
    • Supported connecting to ApsaraDB for HBase Performance-enhanced Edition.
  • 2.0.5
    • Supported connecting to the primary and secondary nodes in the same region.