Quick BI has a large global customer base. Its rich features meet the requirements in different scenarios.

Instant data analysis and effective decision-making

In data-driven business operations of a technology enterprise, user data such as retention and activation must be analyzed for decision-making. In this scenario, Quick BI provides the following benefits:
  • Easy data retrieval

    To implement better decision-making, business managers must ask technical personnel to write SQL statements for querying data of different dimensions. When Quick BI is used, business managers can independently retrieve data.

  • Efficient report generation and maintenance

    Quick BI shortens the duration that is required to deliver updates and new code to an analytics system. It also allows you to simplify system maintenance.

  • Low labor costs

    Reports that are created by using tools such as Highcharts have plain visualization and require high labor costs. Quick BI provides better visualization effects and reduces labor costs.

Recommended service combination

RDS + Quick BI

Instant data analysis and effective decision-making

Integration with existing systems

Assume that a shipping service provider wants to build a simple BI platform for data visualization and analysis at the lowest costs and in the shortest time. A platform is required to integrate important business data into the management system of the shipping company and provide data support for employees in different departments and regions. In this scenario, Quick BI provides the following benefits:
  • Ease of use

    Quick BI is quick to get started and easy to use. It meets the data requirements for various different departments.

  • High efficiency for data visualization

    Quick BI can integrate with existing systems to analyze data.

  • Unified management platform

    Employees can use and manage data on a unified platform.

Recommended service combination

RDS + Quick BI

Integration with existing systems

Permission management of transaction data

Assume that a manager of a municipal branch of a payment platform must analyze transaction data to assess business development and identify risks. Also, a data management team must analyze data and manage data permissions. In these scenarios, Quick BI provides the following benefits:

  • Row-level permission management

    A report displays different data for different user roles. For example, the manager of Shanghai Branch can view only data that is related to the Shanghai marketplace.

  • Adaptation to changing business requirements

    Quick BI responds to numerous changes in statistical indicators as business increases.

  • Data integration across data sources and high computing performance

    Quick BI leverages the BI capabilities of Alibaba Cloud to fix the issues of data analysis across data sources and the computing performance bottleneck.

Recommended service combination

Log + RDS + Quick BI + MaxCompute

Permission management of transaction data