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:How can I connect to the apsaradb RDS for MySQL database by using Python?

Last Updated:Dec 24, 2020

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This topic describes how to use Python to connect to an apsaradb RDS for MySQL database.


The standard Python database API is Python DB-API, and most Python database APIs use this standard.


To install the MySQLdb module, follow these steps:

  1. Install MySQLdb through compilation or pip.
  2. Refer to the following Python code to connect.
    import MySQLdb
    • [$DB_Host]: specifies the host name or IP address of the database.
    • [$DB_Port]: database port number, which is usually 3306. Do not write it as port="3306" or port='3306' in the code because it must be an integer.
    • [$DB_User]: specifies the database user.
    • [$DB_Pass]: specifies the password used to log on to the database.
    • [$DB_Name]: specifies the database name.


To install the PyMySQL module, follow these steps:

  1. Install PyMySQL by compiling the project or running pip.
  2. Refer to the following Python code to connect.
    import pymysql.cursors
    connection = pymysql.connect(host='[$DB_Host]',

 Application scope

  • ApsaraDB for RDS