Modifies the period after which a consumed message that remains in the Inactive state can be consumed again.


By default, only Alibaba Cloud accounts can call this operation. RAM users can call this operation only after these RAM users are granted related permissions. The following table describes the authorization information of this operation. For more information, see Permission policies and examples.

Name Value
API ChangeMessageVisibility
Action mns:ChangeMessageVisibility
Resource acs:mns:$region:$accountid:/queues/$queueName/messages


A request consists of the following parts:

  • Request line

    PUT /queues/$queueName/messages?receiptHandle=<receiptHandle>&visibilityTimeout=<visibilitytimeout> HTTP/1.1

  • URI parameters
    Parameter Type Required Example Description
    ReceiptHandle String Yes MbZj6wDWli+QEauMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9Mx/KSbkJ0 The receipt handle that was returned when the message was last consumed. For more information, see ReceiveMessage.
    VisibilityTimeout Integer Yes 50 The period after which the message can be consumed again. Unit: seconds.
  • Operation-specific request headers


  • Request Body



A response consists of the following parts:

  • HTTP Status Code

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  • Operation-specific response headers


  • Response Body
    Parameter Type Example Description
    ReceiptHandle String TbZj6wDWli+9CEauMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9Mx/TS1 The receipt handle that is returned after the value of the VisibilityTimeout parameter is modified. This receipt handle can be used to delete and modify the message that is in the Inactive state and remains valid before the time that is specified by the NextVisibleTime parameter.
    NextVisibleTime Long 1250700979298000 The next time when the message can be consumed. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.


Sample requests

PUT /queues/$queueName/messages
?receiptHandle=MbZj6wDWli+QEauMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9Mx/KSbkJ0&visibilityTimeout=50 HTTP/1.1
Host: $
Date: Wed, 28 May 2012 22:32:00 GMT
x-mns-version: 2015-06-06
Authorization: MNS 15B4D3461F177624206A:xQE0diMbLRepdf3YB+FIEXA****           

Sample success responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-mns-version: 2015-06-06

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ChangeVisibility xmlns="">
    <ReceiptHandle>TbZj6wDWli+9CEauMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9Mx/TS1</ReceiptHandle >

Error codes

Error code Error message HTTP status code Description
InvalidArgument The value of Element should between Low and High seconds/bytes. 400 The error message returned because the value of the parameter is invalid. You must specify a valid value as prompted.
ReceiptHandleError The receipt handle you provide is not valid. 400 The error message returned because the ReceiptHandle parameter is invalid.
QueueNotExist The queue name you provided is not exist. 404 The error message returned because the specified queue does not exist. Create a queue.
MessageNotExist The receipt handle you provided has expired. 404 The error message returned because you have not consumed a message within the invisibility period and the receipt handle of the message has expired. Consume messages within the invisibility period or specify a longer invisibility period.