Receives multiple messages from a queue.


By default, only Alibaba Cloud accounts can call this operation. RAM users can call this operation only after these RAM users are granted related permissions. The following table describes the authorization information of this operation. For more information, see Permission policies and examples.

Name Value
API BatchReceiveMessage
Action mns:BatchReceiveMessage
Resource acs:mns:$region:$accountid:/queues/$queueName/messages


You can call this operation to receive a maximum of 16 messages from a queue. After the messages are received, the messages enter the Inactive state. The messages remain Inactive within the period that is specified by the VisibilityTimeout parameter. For more information, see CreateQueue.

During the period that is specified by the VisibilityTimeout parameter, you must call the DeleteMessage operation to delete the messages after you consume the messages. Otherwise, the messages change to the Active state and can be consumed again.


A request consists of the following parts:

  • Request line

    GET /queues/$queueName/messages?numOfMessages=16&waitseconds=10 HTTP/1.1

  • Operation-specific URI parameters
    Parameter Type Required Example Description
    numOfMessages Integer Yes 10 The maximum number of messages that can be received.
    waitseconds Integer No 0 The maximum period for which the request waits if no message is available in the queue. Unit: seconds.
Note If you specify the waitseconds parameter when you call the BatchReceiveMessage operation, the request holds for the specified period. If no message is available during the specified period, the long-polling request times out. If you do not specify the waitseconds parameter when you call the BatchReceiveMessage operation, the PollingWaitSeconds parameter that is specified for the queue is used by default. For more information, see CreateQueue.
  • Operation-specific request headers


  • Request Body



A response consists of the following parts:

  • HTTP Status Code

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  • Operation-specific response headers


  • Response Body

    The response body is in the XML format. The bodies and parameters of multiple messages are returned.

    Parameter Type Example Description
    MessageId String 5F290C926D472878-2-14D9529A8FA-20000**** The ID of the message. The message ID is unique in the queue.
    ReceiptHandle String 1-ODU4OTkzNDU5My0xNDMyNzI3ODI3LTItOA== The receipt handle that was generated after the message was consumed. You can use the receipt handle of the message to modify or delete the message that is in the Inactive state. The receipt handle is valid before the time that is specified by the NextVisibleTime parameter.
    MessageBody String This is test message 1. The body of the message.
    MessageBodyMD5 String C5DD56A39F5F7BB8B3337C6D11B6**** The MD5 hash of the message body.
    EnqueueTime Long 1250700979248 The time when the message was sent to the queue. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
    NextVisibleTime Long 1250700799348 The time when the message can be consumed. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
    FirstDequeueTime Long 1250700779318 The first time when the message was consumed. This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
    DequeueCount Integer 1 The total number of times for which the message was consumed.
    Priority Integer 8 The priority of the message.


Sample requests

GET  /queues/$queueName/messages?numOfMessages=16 HTTP/1.1
Host: $
Date: Wed, 28 May 2012 22:32:00 GMT
x-mns-version: 2015-06-06
Authorization: MNS 15B4D3461F177624206A:xQE0diMbLRepdf3YB+FIEXA****         

Sample success responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-mns-version: 2015-06-06

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Messages xmlns="">
    <MessageBody>This is test message 1.</MessageBody>
    <FirstDequeueTime>1250700779318</FirstDequeueTime >
    <MessageBody>This is test message 2.</MessageBody>
    <FirstDequeueTime>1250700779330</FirstDequeueTime >

Error codes

Error code Error message HTTP status code Description
QueueNotExist The queue name you provided is not exist. 404 The error message returned because the specified queue does not exist. Create a queue.
MessageNotExist Message not exist. 404 The error message returned because no visible message exists in the queue.