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PolarDB:Customize a routing rule for requests that contain a specified function or a specified table

Last Updated:Sep 08, 2023

PolarProxy allows you to customize a routing rule for requests that contain a specified function or a specified table. By default, read requests that contain functions in your PolarDB cluster are routed to the read-only nodes and read requests that contain tables in your PolarDB cluster are routed to the primary node. You can customize a routing rule to route read requests that contain a specified function in your PolarDB cluster to the read-only nodes. You can also customize a routing rule to route read requests that contain a specified table to the primary node.


A privileged account is used to connect to the primary endpoint of your PolarDB cluster.

Create the polar_proxy_utils extension

Execute the following statement as the polar_superuser user to create the polar_proxy_utils extension:

create extension polar_proxy_utils;

Customize a routing rule

To customize a routing rule, execute the following statement:

polar_add_proxy_routing_strategy(_name, _type, rw_mode);

Parameters in the statement:

  • _name: the name of the table or function for which you want to customize a routing rule.

  • _type: specifies whether the object that is specified by the _name parameter is a table or a function. The value t specifies a table. The value f specifies a function.

  • rw_mode: specifies whether to route requests to the primary node or the read-only nodes. The value w specifies the primary node. The value r specifies the read-only nodes.

For example, execute the polar_add_proxy_routing_strategy('lol', 't', 'w'); statement.插入记录

  • Before this statement is executed, select * from lol operations are routed to the read-only nodes.

  • After this statement is executed, select * from lol operations are routed to the primary node.

Query routing rules

To query routing rules, execute the following statement:

select polar_list_proxy_routing_strategy();

Delete a routing rule

To delete a routing rule, execute the following statement:

select polar_delete_proxy_routing_strategy(_name, _type);

Parameters in the statement:

  • _name: the name of the table or function that is associated with the routing rule to be deleted.

  • _type: specifies whether the object specified by the _name parameter is a table or a function. The value t specifies a table. The value f specifies a function.

For example, run the select polar_delete_proxy_routing_strategy('lol', 't'); statement.删除一条白名单

  • Before this statement is executed, select * from lol operations are routed to the primary node.

  • After this statement is executed, select * from lol operations are routed to the read-only nodes.

Delete all routing rules

To delete all routing rules, execute the following statement:

select polar_truncate_proxy_routing_strategy();