E-MapReduce (EMR) provides a Hive environment. You can use Hive to create tables and perform operations on the tables and the data in them.


  • A project is created. For more information, see Manage projects.
  • A Hive SQL script, for example, uservisits_aggre_hdfs.hive, is uploaded to a path in OSS, such as oss://path/to/.
    Content of uservisits_aggre_hdfs.hive:
     DROP TABLE uservisits;
     CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uservisits (sourceIP STRING,destURL STRING,visitDate STRING,adRevenue DOUBLE,userAgent STRING,countryCode STRING,languageCode STRING,searchWord STRING,duration INT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION '/HiBench/Aggregation/Input/uservisits';
     DROP TABLE uservisits_aggre;
     CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uservisits_aggre (sourceIP STRING, sumAdRevenue DOUBLE) STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE LOCATION '/HiBench/Aggregation/Output/uservisits_aggre';
     INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE uservisits_aggre SELECT sourceIP, SUM(adRevenue) FROM uservisits GROUP BY sourceIP;


  1. Go to the Data Platform tab.
    1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud EMR console by using your Alibaba Cloud account.
    2. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your cluster resides and select a resource group based on your business requirements.
    3. Click the Data Platform tab.
  2. In the Projects section, find your project and click Edit Job in the Actions column.
  3. Create a Hive job.
    1. In the Edit Job pane on the left, right-click the folder on which you want to perform operations and select Create Job.
    2. In the Create Job dialog box, specify Name and Description, and select Hive from the Job Type drop-down list.
      This option indicates that a Hive job will be created. You can use the following command syntax to submit a Hive job:
      hive [user provided parameters]
    3. Click OK.
  4. Edit job content.
    1. Specify the command line parameters required to submit the job in the Content field.
      For example, to use a Hive script uploaded to OSS, enter the following command:
      -f ossref://path/to/uservisits_aggre_hdfs.hive
      Note path indicates the path in which uservisits_aggre_hdfs.hive is stored in OSS.

      Click + Enter an OSS path in the lower part of the page. In the OSS File dialog box, specify File Path. The system automatically completes the path of the Hive script in OSS. File Prefix must be set to OSSREF to ensure that EMR can download the file.

    2. Click Save.