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Alibaba Cloud DNS:View billing statistics

Last Updated:Apr 07, 2024

Alibaba Cloud Public DNS provides the pubDNS.chargeStatistics tab. On this tab, you can view the usage of the monthly free quota for DNS resolution and numbers of HTTP and HTTPS requests in a specific time range in the previous 90 days.

View statistics on DNS requests

By default, the statistics of the current day are displayed. You can specify a time range to view the statistics within the time range. You can also quickly query statistics by selecting one of the following time ranges: Today, Previous Day, 7 Days, 15 Days, 30 Days, and 90 Days.

The chart displays the following content based on the specified time range:

  • The total number of HTTP and HTTPS requests within the specified time range.

  • The trend chart of the number of HTTP and HTTPS requests within the specified time range.

  • The number of HTTP and HTTPS requests each day within the specified time range.


The bills of Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are generated on a daily basis. To view the billing details, go to the Billing Management console.