This topic shows you how to perform operations by using SDK for C# to call the required API operations with efficiency. For example, you can create and delete services and functions, and invoke functions.

Sample code of SDK for C#

using System;
using Aliyun.FunctionCompute.SDK.Client;
using Aliyun.FunctionCompute.SDK.Request;
using Aliyun.FunctionCompute.SDK.model;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Text;

namespace samples
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fcClient = new FCClient("cn-shanghai", "<your account id>", "<your ak id>", "<your ak secret>");

            // Create a service. 
            var response1 = fcClient.CreateService(new CreateServiceRequest("csharp-service", "create by c# sdk") );
            Console.WriteLine(response1.Data.ServiceName + "---" + response1.Data.Description);

            // Create a function. 
            byte[] contents = File.ReadAllBytes(@"/tmp/");
            var code = new Code(Convert.ToBase64String(contents));
            var response2 = fcClient.CreateFunction(new CreateFunctionRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function", "python3", "index.handler", code));

            // Asynchronously invoke the function. 
            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello csharp world");
            var response3 = fcClient.InvokeFunction(new InvokeFunctionRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function", null, payload));

            var customHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string> {
                {"x-fc-invocation-type", "Async"}

            // Invoke the function. 
            var response4 = fcClient.InvokeFunction(new InvokeFunctionRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function", null, payload, customHeaders));

            // Create a trigger. 
            var response5 = fcClient.CreateTrigger(new CreateTriggerRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function", "my-http-trigger", "http", "dummy_arn", "",
                                                        new HttpTriggerConfig(HttpAuthType.ANONYMOUS, new HttpMethod[] { HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST })));

            // Delete the trigger. 
            var response6 = fcClient.DeleteTrigger(new DeleteTriggerRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function", "my-http-trigger"));

            // Delete the function. 
            var response7 = fcClient.DeleteFunction(new DeleteFunctionRequest("csharp-service", "csharp-function"));

            // Delete the service. 
            var response8 = fcClient.DeleteService(new DeleteServiceRequest("csharp-service"));