This function specifies the start and end time of a raster or the time information of a band.


raster ST_setDateTime(raster raster_obj,
                      timestamp start,
                      timestamp end);
raster ST_setDateTime(raster raster_obj,
                      integer band,
                      timestamp time);


Parameter Description
raster_obj The raster whose start and end time you want to specify.
band The sequence number of the band whose start and end time you want to specify. Valid values start from 0.
time The time information of the specified band. We recommend that you specify the time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. Example: 2020-08-30 18:00:00.
start The start time that you want to specify. We recommend that you specify the time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
end The end time that you want to specify. We recommend that you specify the time in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.


The SetDateTime function returns the customized metadata items of a raster.


select ST_DateTime(ST_setDateTime(raster_obj, 0, '2020-01-02'::timestamp), 0)
FROM raster_table

 Thu Jan 02 00:00:00 2020