This function calculates the world coordinates of a cell by using an affine transformation formula based on the pixel coordinates and pyramid level of the cell.


point ST_Rast2WorldCoord(raster raster_obj, integer pyramidLevel, integer row, integer column);
geometry ST_Rast2WorldCoord(raster raster_obj, integer pyramidLevel, geometry geom);


Parameter Description
raster_obj The raster object.
pyramidLevel The pyramid level.
row The row number of the cell.
column The column number of the cell.
geom The geometry must be converted. The x coordinate of the geometry represents the column number in the raster and the y coordinate of the geometry represents the row number .


The raster object must have a valid spatial reference system identifier (SRID).


SELECT ST_rast2WorldCoord(raster_obj, 0, 3, 4) FROM raster_table;
 SELECT ST_AsText(ST_rast2WorldCoord(raster_obj, 0, 'POINT(4 3)'::geometry)) FROM raster_table;
 POINT(440960 3751140)