To call an Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) API operation, you must send an HTTP or HTTPS GET request to the EDS endpoint. The request must contain the request parameters of the API operation that you want to call. After you call the API operation, the system returns a response. The request and response are encoded in UTF-8.

Request structure

EDS API operations use the remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. You can call EDS API operations by sending HTTP or HTTPS GET requests.

Use the following request structure when you send an API request:
  • https: the protocol used to transmit the request.
  • Endpoint:
    • EDS users except for convenience users must use the ecd.[RegionId] endpoint to call the EDS API operations.
    • Convenience users must use the eds-user.[RegionId] endpoint to call EDS API operations.
      Notice Convenience accounts are deployed across two data centers. When you specify the endpoint for convenience users, replace RegionId either with cn-shanghai for the China (Shanghai) region or ap-southeast-1 for the Singapore (Singapore) region.
  • Action: the name of the operation being performed. For example, to query details about a cloud desktop, you must set the Action parameter to DescribeDesktops.
  • Parameters: the request parameters for the operation. Separate multiple parameters with ampersands (&)

    Request parameters include both common parameters and operation-specific parameters. Common parameters are used for all EDS API calls regardless of the operation.

Sample requests

Note The values in the following example are for illustrative purposes only. You must perform URL encoding on the requests in actual practice.