K-means clustering randomly selects K objects as the initial centroids of each cluster, computes the distance between the remaining objects and the centroids, distributes the remaining objects to the nearest clusters, and then recalculates the centroids of each cluster. K-means clustering assumes that clustering objects are spatial vectors. K-means clustering minimizes the sum of the mean squared error (MSE) inside each cluster and constantly performs calculations and iterations until the criterion function converges.

Usage notes

When you use the K-means Clustering component, you must take note of the following items:
  • If cosine is used, specific clusters may be empty. In this case, the number of clusters is less than K. K initial centroids may be parallel vectors. If the centroids are traversed in sequence, the sample is not distributed to the centroids that are parallel vectors. We recommend that you use the K centroids that you listed in the external centroid table.
  • If the input table contains NULL or empty values, the system reports the following error: Algo Job Failed-System Error-Null feature value found. We recommend that you use the default values for imputation.
  • If sparse data is used as an input and the largest column ID exceeds 2000000, the system reports the following error: Algo Job Failed-System Error-Feature count can't be more than 2000000. We recommend that you renumber the columns from 0 or 1.
  • If a write operation fails due to a too large centroid model, the system reports the following error: Algo Job Failed-System Error-kIOError:Write failed for message: comparison_measure. We recommend that you renumber the columns whose data is in the sparse format from 0 or 1. If the value of col*centerCount is greater than 270000000, run commands to remove the modelName parameter, and then perform clustering again.
  • If the name of a column in the input table contains SQL keywords, the system reports the following error: FAILED: Failed Task createCenterTable:kOtherError:ODPS-0130161:[1,558] Parse exception - invalid token ',', expect ")".
  • The data columns of the input table can be of the INT or DOUBLE type. If the input table is sparse, data columns of the STRING type are supported.

Configure the component

You can configure the component by using one of the following methods:

Method 1: Configure the component on the pipeline configuration tab in the console

Configure the component on the pipeline configuration tab of Machine Learning Designer in the Machine Learning Platform for AI (PAI) console.
Fields SettingFeature ColumnsThe columns that are selected from the input table for training. Separate the column names with commas (,). Columns of the INT and DOUBLE types are supported. If the input data is sparse, columns of the STRING type are supported.
Appended ColumnsThe input columns that are appended to the clustering result table. Separate the column names with commas (,).
Input Sparse MatrixSpecifies whether the input data is sparse. Sparse data is presented by using key-value pairs.
KV Pair DelimiterThe delimiter that is used to separate key-value pairs. By default, commas (,) are used.
KV DelimiterThe delimiter that is used to separate keys and values in key-value pairs. By default, colons (:) are used.
Parameters SettingClustersThe number of clustering centroids. Valid values: 1 to 1000.
Distance Measurement MethodThe method that is used to measure distances. Valid values: Euclidean, Cosine, and Cityblock.
Centroid Initialization MethodThe method that is used to initialize centroids. Valid values: Random, First K, Uniform, K-means++, and Use Initial Centroid Table.
Maximum IterationsThe maximum number of iterations. Valid values: 1 to 1000.
Convergence CriteriaThe threshold to terminate iterations.
Initial Random SeedThe initial random seed. By default, the current time is used. If this parameter uses a fixed value, the clustering result is stable.
TuningCoresThe number of cores. By default, the system specifies the value.
Memory Size per CoreThe memory size of each core. Unit: MB.

Method 2: Run PAI commands

Configure the component by running a PAI command. You can use the SQL Script component to run PAI commands. For more information, see SQL Script. The following table describes the parameters of the PAI command that is used to configure this component.
pai -name kmeans
    -project algo_public
ParameterRequiredDescriptionDefault value
inputTableNameYesThe name of the input table. N/A
selectedColNamesNoThe columns that are selected from the input table for training. Separate the column names with commas (,). Columns of the INT and DOUBLE types are supported. If the input data is sparse, columns of the STRING type are supported. All columns
inputTablePartitionsNoThe partitions that are selected from the input table for training. The following formats are supported:
  • Partition_name=value
  • name1=value1/name2=value2: multi-level partitions
Note Separate multiple partitions with commas (,).
All partitions
appendColNamesNoThe input columns that are appended to the clustering result table. Separate the column names with commas (,). N/A
enableSparseNoSpecifies whether the input data is sparse. Valid values: true and false. false
itemDelimiterNoThe delimiter that is used to separate key-value pairs. Commas (,)
kvDelimiterNoThe delimiter that is used to separate keys and values in key-value pairs. Colons (:)
centerCountYesThe number of clustering centroids. Valid values: 1 to 1000. 10
distanceTypeNoThe method that is used to measure distances. Valid values:
  • euclidean: the Euclidean distance that is calculated by using the following formula: d (x - c) = (x - c) (x - c)'
  • cosine: the cosine that is calculated by using the following formula: cosine
  • cityblock: the city block distance, which is also called the Manhattan distance. It is calculated by using the following formula: d (x - c) = | x - c |
initCenterMethodNoThe method that is used to initialize centroids. Valid values:
  • random: K initial centroids are randomly sampled from the input data. The initial random seed is specified by using the seed parameter.
  • topk: The first K rows in the input data are used as the initial centroids.
  • uniform: K initial centroids are calculated from the minimum value to the maximum value. This ensures that these initial centroids are evenly distributed.
  • kmpp: K initial centroids are obtained by using the k-means++ algorithm.
  • external: This method specifies the additional initial centroids in a table.
initCenterTableNameNoThe name of the table that lists initial centroids. This parameter takes effect only if the initCenterMethod parameter is set to external. N/A
loopNoThe maximum number of iterations. Valid values: 1 to 1000. 100
accuracyNoThe conditions under which to terminate the algorithm. The algorithm is terminated if the objective difference between two iterations is less than the value of this parameter. 0.1
seedNoThe initial random seed. Current time
modelNameNoThe name of the output model. N/A
idxTableNameYesThe name of the clustering result table, which includes the ID of the cluster to which each record belongs after the clustering. N/A
idxTablePartitionNoThe partition in the clustering result table. N/A
clusterCountTableNameNoThe clustering statistics table that records the number of points included in each cluster. N/A
centerTableNameNoThe clustering centroid table. N/A
coreNumNoThe number of cores. This parameter must be used together with the memSizePerCore parameter. The number of cores. Valid values: 1 to 9999. Automatically allocated
memSizePerCoreNoThe memory size of each core. Valid values: 1024 to 65536. Unit: MB. Automatically allocated
lifecycleNoThe lifecycle of the output table. Unit: days. N/A


The output data of the K-means Clustering component includes the clustering result table, clustering statistics table, and clustering centroid table. Output format:
  • Clustering result table
    appendColNamesThe names of the appended columns.
    cluster_indexThe cluster to which each sample is assigned in the training table.
    distanceThe distance from each sample to the cluster centroid in the training table.
  • Clustering statistics table
    cluster_indexThe ID of the cluster.
    cluster_countThe number of samples in each cluster.
  • Clustering centroid table
    cluster_indexThe ID of the cluster.
    selectedColNamesThe columns that are selected from the training table for training.


Input data in the dense format:
  1. Generate test data by using one of the following methods:
    • Use the initial centroid table
      create table pai_kmeans_test_init_center as
      select * from
      select 1 as f0,2 as f1 from dual
      union all
      select 1 as f0,3 as f1 from dual
      union all
      select 1 as f0,4 as f1 from dual
    • Use other initial centroids
      create table pai_kmeans_test_input as
      select * from
        select 'id1' as id,1 as f0,2 as f1 from dual
        union all
        select 'id2' as id,1 as f0,3 as f1 from dual
        union all
        select 'id3' as id,1 as f0,4 as f1 from dual
        union all
        select 'id4' as id,0 as f0,3 as f1 from dual
        union all
        select 'id5' as id,0 as f0,4 as f1 from dual
  2. Run PAI commands to submit the parameters of the K-means Clustering component.
    • Use the initial centroid table
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_idx;
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_couter;
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_center;
      drop offlinemodel if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_model_;
      pai -name kmeans
          -project algo_public
    • Use the initial centroids that are randomly selected
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_idx;
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_couter;
      drop table if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_center;
      drop offlinemodel if exists pai_kmeans_test_output_model_;
      pai -name kmeans
          -project algo_public
  3. View the clustering result table, clustering statistics table, and clustering centroid table.
    • Clustering result table specified by idxTableName
      | f0         | f1         | cluster_index | distance   |
      | 1          | 2          | 0             | 0.0        |
      | 1          | 3          | 1             | 0.5        |
      | 1          | 4          | 2             | 0.5        |
      | 0          | 3          | 1             | 0.5        |
      | 0          | 4          | 2             | 0.5        |
    • Clustering statistics table specified by clusterCountTableName
      | cluster_index | cluster_count |
      | 0             | 1             |
      | 1             | 2             |
      | 2             | 2             |
    • Clustering centroid table specified by centerTableName
      | cluster_index | f0         | f1         |
      | 0             | 1.0        | 2.0        |
      | 1             | 0.5        | 3.0        |
      | 2             | 0.5        | 4.0        |
Input data in the sparse format:
  1. Generate test data.
    create table pai_kmeans_test_sparse_input as
    select * from
      select 1 as id,"s1" as id_s,"0:0.1,1:0.2" as kvs0,"2:0.3,3:0.4" as kvs1 from dual
      union all
      select 2 as id,"s2" as id_s,"0:1.1,2:1.2" as kvs0,"4:1.3,5:1.4" as kvs1 from dual
      union all
      select 3 as id,"s3" as id_s,"0:2.1,3:2.2" as kvs0,"6:2.3,7:2.4" as kvs1 from dual
      union all
      select 4 as id,"s4" as id_s,"0:3.1,4:3.2" as kvs0,"8:3.3,9:3.4" as kvs1 from dual
      union all
      select 5 as id,"s5" as id_s,"0:5.1,5:5.2" as kvs0,"10:5.3,6:5.4" as kvs1 from dual
    If input data is sparse, 0 is used to impute the cells with missing values. If multiple columns are used as an input, these columns are merged. For example, if kvs0 and kvs1 are used as an input, the first row contains the following data:
    In this example, the sparse matrix is numbered from 0, and has five rows and 11 columns. If a column in kvs contains 123456789:0.1, the sparse matrix has five rows and 123456789 columns. This matrix consumes large amounts of CPU and memory resources. If kvs contains the columns that are incorrectly numbered, we recommend that you renumber the columns to reduce the size of the matrix.
  2. Run the following PAI command to submit the parameters of the K-means Clustering component:
    pai -name kmeans
      -project algo_public
  3. View the clustering result table, clustering statistics table, and clustering centroid table.
    • Clustering result table specified by idxTableName
      | id         | id_s       | cluster_index | distance   |
      | 4          | s4         | 0             | 2.90215437218629 |
      | 5          | s5         | 1             | 0.0        |
      | 1          | s1         | 2             | 0.7088723439378913 |
      | 2          | s2         | 2             | 1.1683321445547923 |
      | 3          | s3         | 0             | 2.0548722588034516 |
    • Clustering statistics table specified by clusterCountTableName
      | cluster_index | cluster_count |
      | 0             | 2             |
      | 1             | 1             |
      | 2             | 2             |
    • Clustering centroid table specified by centerTableName
      | cluster_index | kvs0       | kvs1       |
      | 0             | 0:2.6,1:0,2:0,3:1.1,4:1.6,5:0 | 6:1.15,7:1.2,8:1.65,9:1.7,10:0 |
      | 1             | 0:5.1,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:5.2 | 6:5.4,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:5.3 |
      | 2             | 0:0.6,1:0.1,2:0.75,3:0.2,4:0.65,5:0.7 | 6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0 |