Data Transmission Service (DTS) allows you to use Resource Access Management (RAM) to manage permission policies. You can create and manage tasks as a RAM user. You can also subscribe to data changes in real time by using the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of the RAM user.

Permission policies

DTS supports read/write and read-only policies.

  • Read/write policy: AliyunDTSFullAccess

    This policy grants the read/write permission on DTS. If this policy is attached to a RAM user, the RAM user can purchase, configure, and manage DTS instances.

  • Read-only policy: AliyunDTSReadOnlyAccess This policy grants the read permission on DTS. If this policy is attached to a RAM user, the RAM user can view the details and configurations of all DTS tasks under the Alibaba Cloud account. However, the RAM user cannot perform change operations.
    Note Change operations include the purchase, configuration, and management of DTS instances.


  1. Log on to the RAM console by using an Alibaba Cloud account.
  2. Create a RAM user.
    Note When creating a RAM user, you must specify Programmatic Access as the access mode and download and save the AccessKey pair.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Users under Identities.
  4. In the User Logon Name/Display Name column, find the target RAM user.
  5. Click Add Permissions in the Actions column.Click Add Permissions
  6. In the Add Permissions dialog box, select the required permission policies.Select the required permission policies
    1. Select System Policy.
    2. Enter dts in the search box to query the system permission policies that are related to DTS.
    3. Click AliyunDTSFullAccess to add the policy to the Selected section.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Finished.

Subscribe to data changes as a RAM user

After you create a RAM user and grant the required permissions to the RAM user, you can use the SDK provided by DTS to subscribe to data changes. For more information about how to use the DTS SDK, see Introduction to SDK Demo.
Note You must replace the sample AccessKey pair in the SDK demo with the AccessKey pair of your RAM user.