Call ListJournals to obtain a list of journal in the ledger.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Required ListJournals

The operation that you want to perform. Value: ListJournals

LedgerId String Required l-c8cc7be3eea542axxxxxxxxxx

The ID of the ledger.

Clue String No clue1

The lead ID.

MemberId String No m-04389ec1075443bcxxxxxxxxxx

The ID of the member.

NextToken String No xxxx

Specifies the position where the current read starts. If you set this parameter to null, the server starts from the beginning.

MaxResults Integer Optional 100

The maximum amount of data that is read this time. Default value: 1024.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Journals Array

The list of records.

ClientId String xxxx

The ID of the client that writes the record.

Clues List clue1

The list of lead IDs.

JournalHash String 04d45eb3bcbd2a47aeb5de87b73fd6a324bb7b57a081fd474a82d8dc7e830d42868aeb15a9fa02ac09205b68ecfc78e8e67c70c67736aa0e867a9a7011b83fab4b

Record the hash.

JournalId String 100

The ID of the record.

LedgerId String l-c8cc7be3eea542axxxxxxxxxx

The ID of the ledger instance.

MemberId String m-04389ec1075443bcxxxxxxxxxx

The ID of the member who writes the record.

PayloadJsonString String xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Record data.

PayloadType String CUSTOM

The type of the DNS record. Valid values:

  • CUSTOM: CUSTOM operation
  • CREATE_LEDGER: Create an ledger.
  • DELETE_LEDGER: deletes the ledger.
  • UPDATE_LEDGER: Update the ledger.
  • CREATE_MEMBER: Creates a member.
  • DELETE_MEMBER: deletes a member.
  • UPDATE_MEMBER_KEY: updates the member public key.
  • UPDATE_MEMBER_PERMISSIONS: updates the member key.
  • ENABLE_MEMBER: the member to be restored.
  • DISABLE_MEMBER: the member is disabled.
  • SET_TRUST_POINT: Set a trust anchor.
  • CREATE_TIMEANCHOR: creates a time anchor.
  • KV_SET: sets a KEY.
  • KV_DELETE: deletes a KEY.
Timestamp Long 1587090122155

The time when the record was written. Unit: milliseconds.

MaxResults Integer 100

The maximum amount of data to read.

NextToken String xxxx

Returns the position where the data is read. Empty indicates that the data has been read.

RequestId String 89E6B5F5-7511-46A7-9EDB-3C6F8AA4D48C

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

http(s)://[Endpoint]/? Action=ListJournals
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "RequestId": "89E6B5F5-7511-46A7-9EDB-3C6F8AA4D48C",
    "NextToken": "xxxx",
    "MaxResults": 100,
    "Journals": [
            "MemberId": "m-04389ec1075443bcxxxxxxxxxx",
            "JournalId": 100,
            "ClientId": "xxxx",
            "LedgerId": "l-c8cc7be3eea542axxxxxxxxxx",
            "JournalHash": "04d45eb3bcbd2a47aeb5de87b73fd6a324bb7b57a081fd474a82d8dc7e830d42868aeb15a9fa02ac09205b68ecfc78e8e67c70c67736aa0e867a9a7011b83fab4b",
            "Timestamp": 1587090122155,
            "PayloadType": "CUSTOM_PAYLOAD",
            "PayloadJsonString": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "Clues": "clue1"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter %s is invalid. The error message returned because the specified parameters are invalid.
400 MissingParameter You must specify the parameter %s. The error message returned when the client token is not specified.
404 ResourceNotFound The specified resource %s does not exist. Resource not found
403 UnauthorizedOperation You are not authorized to perform this operation. %s No operation permissions

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.