
1970 or "--" is displayed in the Last Updated At column for the partitions of a topic.


This problem may be caused by one of the following reasons:

  • No messages are stored in the partition, or all messages that are stored in the partition are expired.
  • The client version is outdated, or null is passed in as the timestamp.
  • Local storage is used. The open source Apache Kafka API does not support the local storage option. In this case, "--" is displayed.
  • Cloud storage is used. The last update time is stored in your cache. If no new messages are distributed to the partition for a long period of time, the cache becomes invalid and the last update time is not displayed.


You can use one of the following solutions based on the cause of your problem:
  • If the client version is outdated, you can upgrade the client version to V0.10.2 or later.
  • If null is passed in as the timestamp, you can pass the correct timestamp to solve this problem.
  • If local storage is used, query information about the message to view the point in time when the message was produced.
  • If cloud storage is used and the cache becomes invalid, query information about the message to view the point in time when the message was produced.