The following tables list the API operations available in Global Accelerator (GA).

Acceleration areas and regions

ListAccelerateAreasQueries available acceleration areas and regions.
ListBusiRegionsQueries the regions that are supported by GA.
DescribeRegionsQueries the regions where GA instances are deployed.
ListAvailableBusiRegionsQueries the acceleration regions that are supported by a GA instance.
ListCommonAreasQueries the available acceleration areas and regions that are displayed on the Recommendation and Free Trial wizard pages.

Resource groups

ChangeResourceGroupChanges the resource group to which a GA instance belongs.


TagResourcesAdds tags to a GA instance.
ListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to a GA instance.
UntagResourcesDeletes tags of a GA instance.

Purchase order information

DescribeCommodityQueries the commodity information of a GA instance.
DescribeCommodityPriceQueries the billing and pricing information of a GA instance.

Bandwidth plans

BandwidthPackageAddAcceleratorAssociates a bandwidth plan with a GA instance.
BandwidthPackageRemoveAcceleratorDisassociates a bandwidth plan from a GA instance.
DescribeBandwidthPackageQueries the information of a bandwidth plan.
ListBandwidthPackagesQueries specified bandwidth plans.
UpdateBandwidthPackageModifies a bandwidth plan.
ReplaceBandwidthPackageReplaces a bandwidth plan.
DeleteBandwidthPackageDeletes a bandwidth plan.
CreateBandwidthPackageCreates a bandwidth plan.
ListBandwidthackagesQueries all bandwidth plans.
UpdateBandwidthPackagaAutoRenewAttributeModifies the auto-renewal status of a bandwidth plan.

EIP line types and transmission network types

ListIspTypesQueries the line types of Elastic IP Address (EIP) that are supported in an acceleration region.

GA instances

CreateAcceleratorCreates a GA instance.
DescribeAcceleratorQueries the information about a GA instance.
ListAcceleratorsQueries GA instances.
UpdateAcceleratorModifies a GA instance.
UpdateAcceleratorConfirmConfirms the specification of a GA instance that is modified.
DeleteAcceleratorDeletes a GA instance.
CreateSpareIpsCreates a secondary IP address for the CNAME. If the acceleration area becomes unavailable, GA redirects traffic to the secondary IP address.
ListSpareIpsQueries the secondary IP addresses of the CNAME.
GetSpareIpQueries the status of the secondary IP addresses of the CNAME.
DeleteSpareIpsDeletes the secondary IP addresses of the CNAME.
DescribeAcceleratorAutoRenewAttributeQueries the auto-renewal status of a GA instance.
UpdateAcceleratorAutoRenewAttributeModifies the auto-renewal settings of a GA instance.

Acceleration regions

CreateIpSetsCreates an acceleration region.
DescribeIpSetQueries the information about an acceleration region.
ListIpSetsQueries acceleration regions.
UpdateIpSetModifies a specified acceleration region in an acceleration area.
UpdateIpSetsModifies multiple acceleration regions in an acceleration area.
DeleteIpSetDeletes an acceleration region.
DeleteIpSetsDeletes multiple acceleration regions.
ListAvailableAccelerateAreasQueries available acceleration regions.
GetIpsetsBandwidthLimitQueries the bandwidth allocation limits of an acceleration area.


CreateListenerCreates a listener.
DescribeListenerQueries the information about a listener.
ListListenersQueries listeners.
UpdateListenerModifies a listener.
DeleteListenerDeletes a listener.
GetHealthStatusQueries the health status of a listener.
AssociateAdditionalCertificatesWithListenerAssociates additional certificates with an HTTPS listener.
DissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListenerDisassociates additional certificates from an HTTPS listener.
UpdateAdditionalCertificateWithListenerReplaces an additional certificate for an HTTPS listener.
ListListenerCertificatesQueries the certificates that are associated with an HTTPS listener.
ListSystemSecurityPoliciesQueries the TLS security policies that are supported by an HTTPS listener.

Endpoint groups (intelligent routing listeners)

CreateEndpointGroupCreates an endpoint group.
DescribeEndpointGroupQueries the information about an endpoint group.
ListEndpointGroupsQueries endpoint groups.
UpdateEndpointGroupModifies an endpoint group.
UpdateEndpointGroupAttributeModifies the name and description of an endpoint group.
DeleteEndpointGroupDeletes an endpoint group.
AttachLogStoreToEndpointGroupAssociates a Log Service Logstore with an endpoint group.
DetachLogStoreFromEndpointGroupDisassociates a Log Service Logstore from an endpoint group.
CreateEndpointGroupsCreates endpoint groups.
UpdateEndpointGroupsModifies the endpoint groups of a listener.
ConfigEndpointProbeDetects the latency of an endpoint.
DeleteEndpointGroupsDeletes endpoint groups.

Endpoint groups (custom routing listeners)

CreateCustomRoutingEndpointGroupsCreates multiple endpoint groups for a custom routing listener.
UpdateCustomRoutingEndpointGroupAttributeModifies the name and description of an endpoint group that is associated with a custom routing listener.
DescribeCustomRoutingEndpointGroupQueries the information about a specified endpoint group that is associated with a custom routing listener.
ListCustomRoutingEndpointGroupsQueries the information about the endpoint groups that are associated with a custom routing listener.
DeleteCustomRoutingEndpointGroupsDeletes multiple endpoint groups from a custom routing listener.

Endpoint group mapping configurations (custom routing listeners)

CreateCustomRoutingEndpointGroupDestinationsSets the mapping configurations of an endpoint group that is associated with a custom routing listener.
UpdateCustomRoutingEndpointGroupDestinationsModifies the mapping configurations of an endpoint group that is associated with a custom routing listener.
DescribeCustomRoutingEndpointGroupDestinationsQueries the mapping configurations of a specified endpoint group.
ListCustomRoutingEndpointGroupDestinationsQueries the mapping configurations of endpoint groups.
DeleteCustomRoutingEndpointGroupDestinationsDeletes mapping configurations from an endpoint group that is associated with a custom routing listener.

Endpoints (custom routing listeners)

CreateCustomRoutingEndpointsCreates endpoints for a custom routing listener.
UpdateCustomRoutingEndpointsModifies the endpoints of a custom routing listener.
DescribeCustomRoutingEndpointQueries the information about a specified endpoint of a custom routing listener.
ListCustomRoutingEndpointsQueries the information about the endpoints of a custom routing listener.
DeleteCustomRoutingEndpointsDeletes endpoints from a custom routing listener.

Traffic policies for endpoints (custom routing listeners)

CreateCustomRoutingEndpointTrafficPoliciesCreates traffic policies for an endpoint of a custom routing listener.
UpdateCustomRoutingEndpointTrafficPoliciesModifies the traffic policies for an endpoint of a custom routing listener.
DescribeCustomRoutingEndPointTrafficPolicyQueries the traffic policies of a specified endpoint of a custom routing listener.
ListCustomRoutingEndpointTrafficPoliciesQueries the traffic policies of endpoints of a custom routing listener.
DeleteCustomRoutingEndpointTrafficPoliciesDeletes the traffic policies of endpoints from a custom routing listener.

Port mappings (custom routing listeners)

ListCustomRoutingPortMappingsQueries the port mappings of a custom routing listener.
ListCustomRoutingPortMappingsByDestinationQueries the port mappings of a specified backend instance that is associated with a custom routing listener.

Forwarding rules

CreateForwardingRulesCreates a forwarding rule.
UpdateForwardingRulesUpdates a forwarding rule.
ListForwardingRulesQueries the information about created forwarding rules.
DeleteForwardingRulesDeletes a forwarding rule.

Network access control lists (ACLs)

CreateAclCreate an ACL.
UpdateAclAttributeModifies the attributes of an ACL.
AddEntriesToAclAdds IP entries to an ACL.
RemoveEntriesFromAclRemoves IP entries from an ACL.
ListAclsQueries the ACLs in a specific region.
GetAclQueries an ACL.
DeleteAclDeletes an ACL.
AssociateAclsWithListenerAssociates a listener with an ACL.
DissociateAclsFromListenerDisassociates a listener from an ACL.

Origin probing

CreateApplicationMonitorCreates an origin probing task.
UpdateApplicationMonitorModifies the configuration of an origin probing task.
DisableApplicationMonitorDisables origin probing.
EnableApplicationMonitorEnables origin probing.
DeleteApplicationMonitorDeletes an origin probing task.
ListApplicationMonitorQueries origin probing tasks.
DescribeApplicationMonitorQueries the detailed information about an origin probing task.
DetectApplicationMonitorEnables the diagnostics feature.
ListApplicationMonitorDetectResultQueries the diagnostic result of an origin probing task.

Domain names

CreateDomainAdds a domain name that you want to accelerate to a GA instance.
UpdateDomainStateUpdates the ICP filing status of an accelerated domain name.
UpdateDomainModifies an accelerated domain name of a GA instance.
ListDomainsQueries the information of an accelerated domain name of a GA instance.
GetInvalidDomainCountQueries the number of invalid domain names of a GA instance.
DeleteDomainAcceleratorRelationDeletes an accelerated domain name of a GA instance.

Basic GA instances

CreateBasicAcceleratorCreates a basic GA instance.
UpdateBasicAcceleratorModifies a basic GA instance.
GetBasicAcceleratorQueries the information about a basic GA instance.
ListBasicAcceleratorsQueries basic GA instances.
DeleteBasicAcceleratorDeletes a basic GA instance.

Acceleration regions (basic GA instances)

CreateBasicIpSetCreates an acceleration region for a basic GA instance.
UpdateBasicIpSetModifies the bandwidth of an acceleration region for a basic GA instance.
GetBasicIpSetQueries the acceleration region of a basic GA instance.
DeleteBasicIpSetDeletes an acceleration region of a basic GA instance.

Accelerated IP addresses (basic GA instances)

CreateBasicAccelerateIpCreates an accelerated IP address for a basic GA instance.
GetBasicAccelerateIpQueries the information of an accelerated IP address of a basic GA instance.
GetBasicAccelerateIpIdleCountQueries the number of idle accelerated IP addresses of a basic GA instance.
ListBasicAccelerateIpsQueries accelerated IP addresses in an acceleration region of a basic GA instance.
DeleteBasicAccelerateIpDeletes an acceleration region of a basic GA instance.

Endpoint groups of basic GA instances

CreateBasicEndpointGroupCreates an endpoint group for a basic GA instance.
UpdateBasicEndpointGroupModifies the endpoint group of a basic GA instance.
GetBasicEndpointGroupQueries the information about the endpoint group of a basic GA instance.
DeleteBasicEndpointGroupDeletes the endpoint group of a basic GA instance.

Endpoints (basic GA instances)

CreateBasicEndpointCreates an endpoint for a basic GA instance.
CreateBasicEndpointsCreates multiple endpoints for a basic GA instance at the same time.
UpdateBasicEndpointModifies the name of an endpoint that is associated with a basic GA instance.
GetBasicEndpointQueries the information of an endpoint of a basic GA instance.
ListBasicEndpointsQueries the endpoints that are associated with a basic GA instance.
DeleteBasicEndpointDeletes an endpoint of a basic GA instance.

Associating accelerated IP addresses with endpoints (basic GA instances)

CreateBasicAccelerateIpEndpointRelationAssociates an accelerated IP address of a basic GA instance with an endpoint.
CreateBasicAccelerateIpEndpointRelationsCreates multiple accelerated IP addresses for a basic GA instance and associates them with endpoints.
GetBasicAccelerateIpEndpointRelationQueries whether an accelerated IP address of a basic GA instance is associated with an endpoint.
ListBasicAccelerateIpEndpointRelationsQueries the list of accelerated IP addresses of a basic GA instance that are associated with endpoints.
DeleteBasicAccelerateIpEndpointRelationDeletes an endpoint group of a basic GA instance.