The following tables list API operations available for use in Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ.

Region management

API Description
OnsRegionList Queries the regions where Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ is supported.

Service activation

API Description
OpenOnsService Activates the Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ service.

Instance management

API Description
OnsInstanceBaseInfo Queries the basic information about a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance and the endpoints that are used to send and subscribe to messages.
OnsInstanceCreate Creates a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance.
OnsInstanceDelete Deletes a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance.
OnsInstanceInServiceList Queries all Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instances in a region in the current account.
OnsInstanceUpdate Updates the name and description of a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance.

Topic management

API Description
OnsTopicCreate Creates a topic.
OnsTopicDelete Deletes a specified topic in your account.
OnsTopicList Queries all topics in your account.
OnsTopicStatus Queries the total number of messages in the current topic and the time when the topic was last updated.
OnsTopicSubDetail Queries online consumer groups that have subscribed to a specified topic.

Group management

API Description
OnsGroupCreate Creates a consumer group that has a specified group ID.
OnsGroupDelete Deletes a consumer group that you created by calling the OnsGroupCreate operation.
OnsGroupList Queries one or more consumer group IDs. This operation does not query details of each consumer group ID.
OnsGroupSubDetail Queries all topics to which a consumer group that has a specified group ID has subscribed. If no consumer instance in the consumer group is online, no data is returned.
OnsGroupConsumerUpdate Configures the permission for a consumer group that has a specified group ID to read messages.

Tag management

API Description
TagResources Binds a tag to a resource.
ListTagResources Queries the tags that are bound to a resource.
UntagResources Unbinds and deletes a tag from a resource.

Consumption management

API Description
OnsConsumerAccumulate Queries the message accumulation information about a consumer group that has a specified group ID, including the current number of accumulated messages and the consumption latency.
OnsConsumerStatus Queries the detailed information about a consumer group that has a specified group ID, including the subscriptions, consumption transactions per second (TPS), load balancing status, and consumer client connections.
OnsConsumerGetConnection Queries the connection status of consumer instances in a consumer group that has a specified group ID.
OnsConsumerResetOffset Resets the consumer offset of a consumer group that has a specified group ID to a specified timestamp.
OnsConsumerTimeSpan Queries the timestamps when the topics to which a consumer group with a specified group ID has subscribed store the earliest and latest messages and the latest timestamp when consumers consume messages.
OnsMessagePush Pushes a message to a specified consumer.

Message query

API Description
OnsMessageTrace Queries the consumption status of a message by using the message ID.
OnsMessageGetByMsgId Queries the information about a message by using the message ID to determine whether the message is consumed. The queried information about the message includes the time when the message is sent, the RocketMQ broker, and properties such as the key and tag.
OnsMessageGetByKey Queries messages by using the topic name and message key.
OnsMessagePageQueryByTopic Queries all messages of a specified topic in a specified time range by page.

Publishing and subscription statistics

API Description
OnsTrendTopicInputTps Queries the messages of a specified topic in a specified time range and writes the query results to a report.
OnsTrendGroupOutputTps Queries the statistics of the messages that are consumed by a consumer group that has a specified group ID in a specified time range.

Message trace

API Description
OnsTraceGetResult Queries the tracing results by using the ID of the trace query task.
OnsTraceQueryByMsgId Creates a trace query task by using the topic name and message ID to return the ID of the query task.
OnsTraceQueryByMsgKey Creates a trace query task by using the topic name and message key to return the ID of the query task.

Dead-letter queues

API Description
OnsDLQMessageGetById Queries a dead-letter message by using the message ID. The queried information about the dead-letter message includes the storage duration, message body, and properties such as the key and tag.
OnsDLQMessagePageQueryByGroupId Queries all dead-letter messages for a consumer group that has a specified group ID in a specified time range by page.
OnsDLQMessageResendById Resends a dead-letter message by specifying the message ID. This way, the message can be consumed again.