You can call this operation to query the information of the PolarDB cluster in the DRDS logical database.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Required DescribeDrdsDBCluster The operation that you want to perform. The value is DescribeDrdsDBCluster.
DbInstanceId String Required pc-***************** The ID of the PolarDB cluster.
DbName String Required drds_test The name of the DRDS database.
DrdsInstanceId String Required drds********* The ID of a DRDS instance.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
DbInstance Struct The details of each PolarDB cluster.
DBInstanceId String pc-*****************

The ID of the PolarDB cluster.

DBInstanceStatus String 1 The status of the PolarDB instance.
DBNodes Array The information about the nodes in the PolarDB Cluster.
DBNodeId String pi-*************** The ID of the node in the apsaradb for PolarDB cluster.
DBNodeRole String Reader The role of a node in the apsaradb for PolarDB cluster. Valid values:
  • Reader
  • Writer
DBNodeStatus String Running The status of the nodes in the PolarDB cluster.
ZoneId String cn-hangzhou-i The ID of the zone where the node of the PolarDB cluster resides.
DbInstType String POLARDB The type of storage used by the DRDS database.
Endpoints Array The endpoint of the PolarDB read /write splitting endpoint
EndpointId String pe-***************** The ID of the PolarDB connection address.
NodeIds String pi-*****************,pi-***************** The ID list of the nodes in the PolarDB connection string. Separate multiple nodes with commas (,).
ReadWeight Integer 85 The read ratio of this connection address managed by the DRDS database.
Engine String POLARDB The type of the DRDS database storage engine.
EngineVersion String 8.0 The version of the DRDS database storage engine.
ExpireTime String 2019-09-27, 11:22:33 The time when the PolarDB cluster expires.
NetworkType String VPC The network type of the PolarDB cluster.
PayType String Postpaid The billing method of the PolarDB cluster.
Port Integer 3306 The PolarDB access port.
RdsInstType String ignore The type of RDS instance. PolarDB cluster does not support this parameter.
ReadMode String CUSTOM This parameter specifies the Read mode when the database storage type is PolarDB.

Valid values:

  • DEFAULT: the default mode (that is, all read traffic is sent to the PolarDB read /write node).
  • CUSTOM: Custom mode (you can customize the ratio of traffic sent to read /write nodes and read-only nodes).
  • BALANCE: read balancing mode (the read traffic is automatically distributed by the read load module of the PolarDB cluster, which can also be understood as the read traffic being evenly distributed to each node).
RemainDays String 0 The number of days remaining on the PolarDB for MySQL instance.
RequestId String 60A77FD6-0DE4-4A34-B6FB-9C2673****** The ID of the request.
Success Boolean true The result of the request.


Sample requests

http(s):// Action=DescribeDrdsDBCluster
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "RequestId": "60A77FD6-0DE4-4A34-B6FB-9C2673******",
    "DbInstance": {
        "DbInstType": "POLARDB",
        "EngineVersion": "8.0",
        "DBInstanceStatus": 1,
        "Port": 3306,
        "PayType": "Postpaid",
        "Endpoints": {
            "Endpoint": [
                    "ReadWeight": 85,
                    "NodeIds": "pi-*****************",
                    "EndpointId": "pc-*****************"
                    "ReadWeight": 15,
                    "NodeIds": "pi-*****************,pi-*****************",
                    "EndpointId": "pe-*****************"
        "DBInstanceId": "pc-*****************",
        "DBNodes": {
            "DBNode": [
                    "DBNodeStatus": "Running",
                    "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
                    "DBNodeRole": "Reader",
                    "DBNodeId": "pi-*****************"
                    "DBNodeStatus": "Running",
                    "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
                    "DBNodeRole": "Writer",
                    "DBNodeId": "pi-*****************"
                    "DBNodeStatus": "Running",
                    "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-i",
                    "DBNodeRole": "Reader",
                    "DBNodeId": "pi-*****************"
        "NetworkType": "VPC",
        "ReadMode": "CUSTOM",
        "ExpireTime": "",
        "RemainDays": 0,
        "Engine": "POLARDB"
    "Success": true

Error Codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.