Call the DescribeClusterBasicInfo interface to query the basic information of the created cluster.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeClusterBasicInfo

The operation that you want to perform. Set this parameter to DescribeClusterBasicInfo.

ClusterId String Yes C-0EF9B0EC8564****

The ID of the cluster. You can call the ListClusters operation to view the ID of the cluster.

RegionId String Yes cn-huhehaote

The ID of the region. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to view the latest list of Alibaba Cloud regions.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
ClusterInfo Struct

The detailed information about the cluster.

AccessInfo Struct

The access address of the cluster.

ZKLinks Array of ZKLink

The list of link address information for ZooKeeper.

Link String 192.168.*.*

The endpoint address of ZooKeeper.

Port String 2181

The port of ZooKeeper.

AutoScalingAllowed Boolean true

Whether the cluster supports Auto Scaling:

  • true: supports Auto Scaling
  • false: Auto Scaling is not supported.
AutoScalingByLoadAllowed Boolean true

Whether the cluster supports scaling by load:

  • true: supports scaling by load
  • false: scaling by load is not supported.
AutoScalingEnable Boolean true

Whether Auto Scaling is currently enabled for the cluster:

  • true: The Auto Scaling is enabled.
  • false: The Auto Scaling is not enabled.
AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed Boolean true

Auto Scaling whether spot instances are allowed:

  • true: The spot instance is allowed.
  • false: spot instances are not allowed.
AutoScalingVersion String N/A

A reserved parameter.

AutoScalingWithGraceAllowed Boolean true

Valid values:

  • true: The job files are decompressed.
  • false: no
BootstrapActionList Array of BootstrapAction

The list of bootstrap actions.

Arg String name=NAME

Boot script parameters.

Name String boot1

The name of the boot script.

Path String oss://script/boot1

The OSS path of the boot script.

BootstrapFailed Boolean false

Execution result of the bootstrap operation:

  • true: The operation is successful.
  • false: The operation failed.
ChargeType String PostPaid

The billing type of the cluster. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go cluster
  • PrePaid: subscription cluster
ClickhouseConf String ""

A reserved parameter.

ClusterId String C-02582A4A415E****

The ID of the cluster.

Configurations String ""

A reserved parameter.

CoreNodeInService Integer 0

Discard fields.

CoreNodeTotal Integer 0

Discard fields.

CreateResource String ECM_EMR

The deployment mode of the cluster. Valid values:

  • ECM_EMR: the default value.
  • RAW_EMR: Some clusters created in earlier EMR versions, such as 1.3.0.
CreateType String MANUAL

The method of creating the cluster. Valid values:

  • MANUAL: manually created
  • ON-DEMAND: automatically created
DataDiskEncrypted Boolean false

A reserved parameter.

DataDiskKMSKeyId String false

A reserved parameter.

DepositType String HALF_MANAGED

The managed type of the cluster. Valid values:

  • HALF_MANAGED: semi-managed
  • MANAGED: fully managed
EasEnable Boolean false

The high security mode of the cluster. Valid values:

  • true: high-security cluster
  • false: non-high-security cluster
ExpiredTime Long 1564367083000

The expiration time of a subscription cluster.

Note This parameter is not displayed for clusters of the pay-as-you-go type.
ExtraInfo String -None-

Stack additional information.

FailReason Struct

The reason why the cluster failed to be created.

ErrorCode String ClusterId.NotFound

The error code when the cluster fails to be created.

ErrorMsg String ClusterId [null] does not exist.

The error message returned when the cluster fails to be created.

RequestId String FDFFCB97-1609-469A-B153-F511CA9FC1F5

The ID of the corresponding background request when the cluster fails to be created.

GatewayClusterIds String C-xxx

Discard fields.

GatewayClusterInfoList Array of GatewayClusterInfo

The list of gateway clusters associated with the cluster.

ClusterId String C-1AD4D95AF8B6****

The ID of the Gateway cluster.

ClusterName String test_gateway

The name of the Gateway cluster.

Status String IDLE

The status of the Gateway cluster. Valid values:

  • CREATING: The cluster is being created.
  • CREATE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be created.
  • RUNNING: The DAG is running.
  • IDLE: cluster idle
  • RELEASING: The cluster is being released.
  • RELEASE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be released.
  • RELEASED: The cluster has been released.
  • WAIT_FOR_PAY: Pending Payment
  • ABNORMAL: The cluster status is abnormal.
HighAvailabilityEnable Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster is a high-availability cluster.

HostPoolInfo Struct

The information about the host pool that is used to create the cluster. This parameter is returned when the cluster is created by using the host pool.

HpBizId String HP-xxx

The ID of the machine pool.

HpName String test_hp

The name of the host pool.

ImageId String m-hp37dmahkdx7h2b5****

The ID of the ECS image used by nodes in the cluster.

InstanceGeneration String ecs-2

Discard fields.

IoOptimized Boolean true

Discard fields.

K8sClusterId String None

A reserved parameter.

LocalMetaDb Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster uses the local HIVE metadatabase:

  • true: local metadatabase
  • false: unified metadatabase
LogEnable Boolean false

Discard fields.

LogPath String ""

Discard fields.

MachineType String ECS

The node type of the cluster. Default value: ECS.

MasterNodeInService Integer 0

Discard fields.

MasterNodeTotal Integer 0

Discard fields.

MetaStoreType String LOCAL

The unified metadata type of the cluster. Valid values:

Name String test_cluster

The name of the global active database cluster.

NetType String VPC

The network type of the cluster.

OperationId String 1111

The ID of the operation.

Period Integer 0

Discard fields.

RegionId String cn-huhehaote-a

The ID of the region.

RelateClusterId String C-xxx

Discard fields.

RelateClusterInfo Struct

The information about the primary cluster associated with the gateway cluster.

ClusterId String C-4A502AECB275****

The ID of the cluster.

ClusterName String test_hadoop

The name of the EMR cluster.

ClusterType String HADOOP

The type of the cluster.

Status String IDLE

The status of the associated cluster.

ResizeClusterEnable Boolean false

A reserved parameter.

ResizeDiskEnable Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster supports disk resizing.

RunningTime Integer 1583000

The running duration of the cluster. Unit: milliseconds.

SecurityGroupId String sg-xxx

The ID of the security group of the cluster.

SecurityGroupName String emr-default-securitygroup

The name of the security group of the cluster.

ShowSoftwareInterface Boolean false

Discard fields.

SoftwareInfo Struct

The information about the software services deployed in the cluster.

ClusterType String HADOOP

The type of the cluster. Valid values:

EmrVer String EMR-3.21.0

The EMR version.

Softwares Array of Software

The list of service information.

DisplayName String HDFS

The display name of the service.

Name String HDFS

The name of the service.

OnlyDisplay Boolean false

A deprecated field. This field will be removed from later versions.

StartTpe Integer 1

A deprecated field. This field will be removed from later versions.

Version String 2.8.5

The version of the service.

StartTime Long 1564367083000

The time when the cluster started.

Status String IDLE

The status of the cluster. Valid values:

  • CREATING: The cluster is being created.
  • CREATE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be created.
  • RUNNING: The DAG is running.
  • IDLE: cluster idle
  • RELEASING: The cluster is being released.
  • RELEASE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be released.
  • RELEASED: The cluster has been released.
  • WAIT_FOR_PAY: Pending Payment
  • ABNORMAL: The cluster status is abnormal.
StopTime Long 1564367083000

The time when the cluster stops.

TaskNodeInService Integer 0

Discard fields.

TaskNodeTotal Integer 0

Discard fields.

UserDefinedEmrEcsRole String AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole

The name of the service role of E-MapReduce.

UserId String 11131321311****

The ID of the user.

VSwitchId String vsw-xxx

The ID of the vSwitch.

VpcId String vpc-xxx

The ID of the VPC.

ZoneId String cn-huhehaote-a

The ID of the zone.

RequestId String BB81FF02-2FE0-4DB0-A04B-A0876D21EDD7

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "ClusterInfo": {
        "ImageId": "m-hp37dmahkdx7h2b5****",
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-hp360xqw5l179aty****",
        "DepositType": "HALF_MANAGED",
        "CoreNodeInService": 0,
        "ZoneId": "cn-huhehaote-a",
        "AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed": false,
        "IoOptimized": true,
        "TaskNodeInService": 0,
        "MachineType": "ECS",
        "AutoScalingAllowed": false,
        "ShowSoftwareInterface": false,
        "ResizeDiskEnable": false,
        "SecurityGroupName": "sg-hp360xqw5l179aty****",
        "BootstrapActionList": {
            "BootstrapAction": []
        "CreateResource": "ECM_EMR",
        "RegionId": "cn-huhehaote",
        "GatewayClusterInfoList": {
            "GatewayClusterInfo": []
        "NetType": "vpc",
        "MasterNodeInService": 0,
        "AutoScalingByLoadAllowed": true,
        "SoftwareInfo": {
            "Softwares": {
                "Software": [
                        "Name": "HDFS",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "2.8.5",
                        "DisplayName": "HDFS",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "YARN",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "2.8.5",
                        "DisplayName": "YARN",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "HIVE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "3.1.1",
                        "DisplayName": "Hive",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "GANGLIA",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "3.7.2",
                        "DisplayName": "Ganglia",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "ZOOKEEPER",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "3.4.13",
                        "DisplayName": "Zookeeper",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "SPARK",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "2.4.3",
                        "DisplayName": "Spark",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "HBASE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.4.9",
                        "DisplayName": "HBase",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "HUE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "4.4.0",
                        "DisplayName": "HUE",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "ZEPPELIN",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.8.1",
                        "DisplayName": "Zeppelin",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "OOZIE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "5.1.0",
                        "DisplayName": "Oozie",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "TEZ",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.9.1",
                        "DisplayName": "Tez",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "PHOENIX",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "4.14.1",
                        "DisplayName": "Phoenix",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "PRESTO",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.213",
                        "DisplayName": "Presto",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "SQOOP",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.4.7",
                        "DisplayName": "Sqoop",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "PIG",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.14.0",
                        "DisplayName": "Pig",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "STORM",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.2.2",
                        "DisplayName": "Storm",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "IMPALA",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "2.12.2",
                        "DisplayName": "Impala",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "FLINK",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.7.2",
                        "DisplayName": "Flink",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "RANGER",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.2.0",
                        "DisplayName": "Ranger",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "KNOX",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.1.0",
                        "DisplayName": "Knox",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "SUPERSET",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.28.1",
                        "DisplayName": "Superset",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "BIGBOOT",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.0.0",
                        "DisplayName": "Bigboot",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "LIVY",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.6.0",
                        "DisplayName": "LIVY",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "SMARTDATA",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.0.0",
                        "DisplayName": "SmartData",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "FLUME",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "1.8.0",
                        "DisplayName": "FLUME",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "ANALYTICS-ZOO",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "0.5.0",
                        "DisplayName": "analytics-zoo",
                        "StartTpe": 1
                        "Name": "APACHEDS",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "Version": "2.0.0",
                        "DisplayName": "ApacheDS",
                        "StartTpe": 1
            "EmrVer": "EMR-3.21.1",
            "ClusterType": "HADOOP"
        "CreateType": "MANUAL",
        "VSwitchId": "vsw-hp333ghqgdxkk3djb****",
        "VpcId": "vpc-hp3fawn3tu8ny436o****",
        "TaskNodeTotal": 0,
        "BootstrapFailed": false,
        "CoreNodeTotal": 0,
        "StartTime": 1564132024000,
        "MasterNodeTotal": 0,
        "ChargeType": "PostPaid",
        "Configurations": "",
        "UserId": "107992689699****",
        "Name": "EMR-API-test",
        "EasEnable": false,
        "AutoScalingEnable": false,
        "Status": "IDLE",
        "LocalMetaDb": true,
        "HighAvailabilityEnable": false,
        "ClusterId": "C-02582A4A415E****",
        "RunningTime": 1004,
        "UserDefinedEmrEcsRole": "AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole"
    "RequestId": "BB81FF02-2FE0-4DB0-A04B-A0876D21EDD7"