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Tablestore:Split data by a specified size

Last Updated:Jan 18, 2024

You can call the ComputeSplitsBySize operation to split data in a table into logical shards whose sizes are approximately the specified value. The information about the split points among the shards and the hosts in which the shards reside is returned. In most cases, this operation is used to implement plans on compute engines, such as concurrency plans.


For more information about the ComputeSplitsBySize operation, see ComputeSplitPointsBySize.



     * Logically split data in a table into several partitions whose sizes are close to the specified size, and return the split points between partitions and prompt about hosts where the partitions reside.
     * This operation is generally used for execution plans on computing engines, such as concurrency plans.
     * @api
     * @param [] $request The request parameters.
     * @return [] Response.
     * @throws OTSClientException The exception that is returned when a parameter error occurs or the Tablestore server returns a verification error.
     * @throws OTSServerException The exception that is returned when the Tablestore server returns an error.
    public function computeSplitPointsBySize(array $request)


  • Request parameters




    The name of the table.


    The approximate size of each partition.

    Unit: 100 MB.

  • Request format

    $result = $client->ComputeSplitsBySize([
        'table_name' => '<string>', // Specify the name of the table. This parameter is required.
        'split_size' => <integer>  // Set the part size. This parameter is required.
  • Response parameters




    The value of capacity units consumed by this operation.

    capacity_unit indicates the number of read and write CUs consumed.

    • read: the reserved read throughput.

    • write: the reserved write throughput.


    The schema of the primary key for the table, which is the same as that specified when the table is created.


    The split points between partitions, which includes the following items:

    • lower_bound: the minimum value during the range of the primary key.

      The lower_bound value can be passed to GetRange to range read data.

      • Each item contains the primary key name, primary key value (PrimaryKeyValue), and primary key type (PrimaryKeyType) in sequence.

      • PrimaryKeyType can be set to PrimaryKeyTypeConst::CONST_INTEGER, PrimaryKeyTypeConst::CONST_STRING, PrimaryKeyTypeConst::CONST_BINARY, PrimaryKeyTypeConst::CONST_INF_MIN, or PrimaryKeyTypeConst::CONST_INF_MAX, which separately indicate the INTEGER, STRING (UTF-8 encoded string), BINARY, INF_MIN(-inf), and INF_MAX(inf) types.

    • upper_bound: the maximum value during the range of the primary key. The format of upper_bound is same as that of lower_bound.

      The upper_bound value can be passed to GetRange to read data by range.

    • location: the machine where the split point is located. The value of this parameter can be empty.

  • Response format

        'consumed' => [
            'capacity_unit' => [
                'read' => <integer>,
                'write' => <integer>
        'primary_key_schema' => [
            ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyType>],
            ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyType>, <PrimaryKeyOption>]
        'splits' => [
                'lower_bound' => [
                    ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyValue>, <PrimaryKeyType>],
                    ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyValue>, <PrimaryKeyType>]
                'upper_bound' => [
                    ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyValue>, <PrimaryKeyType>],
                    ['<string>', <PrimaryKeyValue>, <PrimaryKeyType>]
                'location' => '<string>'
            // ...


The following code provides an example on how to logically splits the data in a table into multiple partitions whose sizes are close to 100 MB:

    $result = $client->ComputeSplitsBySize([
        'table_name' => 'MyTable', 
        'split_size' => 1
    foreach($result['splits'] as $split) {